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Story County, Iowa
1920 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "IHLE"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Agnes IHLE 48 F Head Iowa Washer woman Roland Town
Alfred V IHLE 12 M Son Iowa None Roland Town
Amos IHLE 13 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Anna IHLE 49 F Wife Illinois None Palestine Twp
Annie K T IHLE 14 F Daughter Iowa None Roland Town
Armund IHLE 13 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Arnold IHLE 3 9/12 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Bertha IHLE 48 F Wife Norway None Palestine Twp
Cora IHLE 24 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Cyrus IHLE 8 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Eddie G IHLE 9 M Son Iowa None Roland Town
Elisabeth IHLE 10 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Erick IHLE 41 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Everett IHLE 3 11/12 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
John IHLE 50 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Joseph IHLE 15 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Kenneth IHLE 4 8/12 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Mabel IHLE 17 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Martha IHLE 77 F Wife Norway None Slater Town
Milford L IHLE 7 M Son Iowa None Roland Town
Nellie IHLE 46 F Wife Iowa None Palestine Twp
Nellie IHLE 26 F Wife Norway None Palestine Twp
Nels IHLE 53 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Nels O IHLE 43 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Otis IHLE 9/12 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Owen IHLE 79 M Head Norway None Slater Town
Thressia IHLE 11 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp

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