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Story County, Iowa
1920 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "FRENCH"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Annie FRENCH 48 F Wife Iowa None Richland Twp
Bernice H FRENCH 14 M Son Iowa None Richland Twp
Bertha FRENCH 37 F Wife Iowa None Colo town
Byron FRENCH 16 M Son Iowa None Colo town
Calvin FRENCH 11 M Son North Dakota None Colo town
Catherine FRENCH 14 F Daughter Iowa None Maxwell Town
Charles A FRENCH 15 M Son Iowa None Maxwell Town
Charles B FRENCH 45 M Head Iowa Druggist Maxwell Town
Charles E FRENCH 46 M Head Nebraska Farmer Richland Twp
Clarence FRENCH 34 M Head Nebraska Manager Fernald Town
Clark FRENCH 66 M Head Iowa Farmer Richland Twp
Clark V FRENCH 46 M Head Iowa Retail Merchant Ames Ward 2
Clifford C FRENCH 17 M Son Iowa None Richland Twp
Edna Pearle FRENCH 12 F Daughter Iowa None Richland Twp
Edna W FRENCH 47 F Wife Iowa None Grant Twp
Edward FRENCH 15 M Son Iowa None Colo town
Ella FRENCH 23 F Wife Iowa None Nevada town
Elva FRENCH 60 F Wife Illinois None Richland Twp
Ernest FRENCH 49 M Head Iowa Farmer Grant Twp
Everett FRENCH 1 9/12 M Son Iowa None Fernald Town
Fannie FRENCH 46 F Wife Iowa None Ames Ward 1
Frank FRENCH 37 M Boarder Iowa Laborer Nevada town
Frank Vernon FRENCH 9/12 M Son Iowa None Colo town
Glen LeRoy FRENCH 3 4/12 M Son Montana None Richland Twp
Glenn J FRENCH 8 M Son Iowa None Richland Twp
Grace E FRENCH 33 F Wife Nebraska None Fernald Town
Greta Fern FRENCH 6 F Daughter Iowa None Fernald Town
Halley E FRENCH 9 M Son Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Harvey FRENCH 11/12 M Son Montana None Richland Twp
Hazel D FRENCH 12 F Daughter Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Helen M FRENCH 19 F Daughter Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Hugh B FRENCH 35 M Head Iowa Farmer Richland Twp
Ila M FRENCH 18 F Daughter Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Irvin FRENCH 3 M Son Iowa None Colo town
James FRENCH 6 M Son Iowa None Colo town
John FRENCH 9 M Son Iowa None Colo town
John O FRENCH 8 M Son Iowa None Maxwell Town
Josephine FRENCH 2 6/12 F Daughter Iowa None Maxwell Town
Josie FRENCH 39 F Wife Iowa None Maxwell Town
Kathrine N FRENCH 11 F Daughter Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Kenneth FRENCH 6 M Grand Son Montana None Richland Twp
Lee FRENCH 31 M Son Iowa Hired Man Richland Twp
Lena FRENCH 43 F Wife Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Leo FRENCH 35 M Head Iowa Laborer Colo town
Leonard FRENCH 7 M Son Iowa None Colo town
Lyla F FRENCH 18 F Daughter Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Mable FRENCH 17 F Daughter Iowa None Richland Twp
Margaret FRENCH 42 F Wife Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Margaret A FRENCH 32 F Wife Connecticut None Colo town
Margorie FRENCH 15 F Daughter Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Marion FRENCH 6 M Son Iowa None Colo town
Mildred Lea FRENCH 31 F Wife Minnesota None Richland Twp
Paul L FRENCH 6 M Son Iowa None Ames Ward 2
Ralph W FRENCH 40 M Head Iowa Laborer Colo town
Robert A FRENCH 46 M Head Iowa Tailor Ames Ward 2
Roy R FRENCH 27 M Head Iowa Farm Laborer Nevada town
Russell R FRENCH 14 M Son Iowa None Richland Twp
Ruth FRENCH 13 F Daughter Iowa None Colo town
Scott FRENCH 58 M Head Iowa Farmer Ames Ward 1
Thea FRENCH 25 F Daughter-in-law Minnesota None Richland Twp
Wilda L FRENCH 5 F Daughter Iowa None Richland Twp
Willard Hewlet FRENCH 6 M Son Montana None Richland Twp

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