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Story County, Iowa
Iowa State College Alumni

Partial List as of 1914 for Alumni
or Ex-Students 1872–1914

Story Co. Home Page

Results for Names Matching "FISCHER"

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Surname Given Maiden
Degree Address 1914 Note 1917 Note
Fischer E.L. 1912 B.S. in E.E. 725 So. 18th St., Ft. Dodge, Iowa [transcriber note: see also E.S. Fischer in class of 1913, they may be one and the same]
Fischer E.S. 1913 [transcriber's note: this student does not appear in the 1914 booklet; see also E.L. Fischer in class of 1912, they may be one and the same.] Alumni Notes: E.S. Fischer (EE) '13, addressed the A.I.E.E. last month on "Electric Utility Service in Modern

Copyright ©2011–2025 Mark Christian

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