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Story County, Iowa
Iowa State College Alumni

Partial List as of 1914 for Alumni
or Ex-Students 1872–1914

Story Co. Home Page

Results for Names Matching "DUDLEY"

Results from Surname...
Surname Given Maiden
Degree Address 1914 Note 1917 Note
Dudley W.H. [W.M. Dudley or W.W. Dudl 1882 B.S. 300 Church St., Indianola, Iowa 82's Laying Their Plans [transcriber's note: the men listed in the class list as W.H., in the alphabetical list as W.M. & in the 1917 reunion notes as W.W. are likely all the same person]

Results from Maiden Name...
Surname Given Maiden
Degree Address 1914 Note 1917 Note
Shaw Winifred Dudley 1876 B.S. Sierra Madre, Cal

Copyright ©2011–2025 Mark Christian

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