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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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Charles Edwin Olinger was reared under the parental roof, attending the common schools in the acquirement of an education. When nineteen years of age he began teaching, following that profession for two years and abandoning it on the day that he attained his majority. During that period he also worked at farming, being closely identified with general agricultural pursuits until 1892, when he embarked in the real-estate and insurance business. In addition to his interests in this connection he also operated his farm until he disposed of it in 1899. In the spring of 1900 he opened an office in Maxwell and devoted his entire attention to real estate and insurance, being prominently and successfully identified with this field of business activity until 1909, since which time he has given his supervision solely to the care and management of his properties. He is a director of the People's State Bank and was one of the organizers of that institution as well as of the Farmers Grain Company of Maxwell.

Mr. Olinger has been married twice. On the 1st of October, 1889, he wedded Miss Elsie A. Ludlow, of Jasper county, Iowa, by whom he had four children, two of whom are yet living, namely : Byron K., who holds a clerkship in the First National Bank of Nevada, Iowa; and Mildred J., a high school student. The wife and mother was called to her final rest on the 11th of September, 1905, and on the 12th of May, 1907, Mr. Olinger was again married, his second union being with Miss Jennie M. Comer, of Northville, South Dakota. They now have two children, Edwin Comer and George Donald.

In politics Mr. Olinger is a republican. He takes an especial interest in educational matters, is president of the board of school directors, was a member of the board when the present handsome school building was erected and has done much to bring the Maxwell schools up to their present high state of efficiency. Fraternally he is identified with Herald Lodge, No. 455, A. F. & A. M., while both he and his wife belong to the Eastern Star. In religious faith he is a Presbyterian. His entire life has been spent in Story county and he enjoys an enviable reputation as one of its leading and representative citizens.

KEITH R. Frazier.

Keith R. Frazier, one of the leading business men of Story county, is at the head of the firm of K. R. Frazier & Company of Colo, dealers in lumber, grain, coal, etc. His birth occurred in Champaign. county, Illinois, on the 11th of December, 1878, his parents being Robert A. and Mary J. (Friesner) Frazier. The father, who was born in Muskingum county, Ohio, about 1848, removed when a young man to Champaign county, Illinois, where he was married and identified himself with the grain and lumber business, there conducting an enterprise of this character until 1892.

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