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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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The death of Major Hix occurred May 13, 1905, when he had reached the age of sixty-five years, six months and fifteen days. One of the local papers said of him: "As a man, Mr. Hix bore an unblemished name. He inherited good mental powers which were well disciplined in the schools and enriched by reading, travel and observation. He was well informed on the questions of his time and able to give a reason for the views he held. He was a man of positive convictions and though firm in their maintenance was mild and gentlemanly in doing so. The condition of his health for many years involved throat and lung trouble with increasing tendency to consumption; and this condition not only required his frequent sojourn in winters in milder climates and made necessary the watchful care of himself at all times but also circumscribed his business and social activities from what they would have been had he been blessed with robust health. But he possessed in good degree the cooperative, social, fraternal and companionable spirit as those who in one way and another came into intimate relations with him freely testify; and he formed deep and lasting friendships, as was evidenced by the many old friends present at his obsequies. He held those moral and religious convictions that lead to uprightness of life. In a word Mr. Hix was a man of sterling character, a good husband, a kindly neighbor and a worthy citizen; and the home and the city out of which he has passed have sustained a greatly regretted loss." A man of sterling purpose and of high principles, Major Hix ranked for many years as one of the most valued citizens of Nevada and his splendid qualities gained for him the highest regard of all who knew him. His record is in many respects an example well worthy of emulation and no history of Story county would be complete without mention of him because of his close and honorable association with many interests that pertained to the general welfare.


Arthur Ray Johnson, the junior partner of the firm of the Nelson & Johnson Investment Company, was born in Garden City, Iowa, on the 3d of January, 1883, and is a son of Svend M. and Lola (Sink) Johnson. The father was a native of Norway but emigrated to the United States in 1872, going directly to Tama county, Iowa, where he resided for six years. In 1878 he removed to Hardin county, Iowa, and engaged in farming up to the time of his death in January, 1907, at the age of fifty-one years. He was a most successful farmer and had acquired one hundred and sixty acres of land in Hardin county at the time of his demise. He married Miss Lola Sink and to them were born two children : Cleo, who lives at home, and Arthur Ray. The family attended the United Evangelical church, of which the parents were members, Mrs. Johnson still being identified with that denomination. Mr. Johnson always voted the republican

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