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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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In politics Mr. Yeager is a republican and his fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, have called him to several positions of public trust. He has served as mayor of Colo for six years and acted as a member of the town council for a similar period. For the past fifteen years he has been a member of the Colo school board and is now serving as its president. Fraternally he is identified with the Masons, belonging to Columbia Lodge, No. 292, A. F. & A. M., and Three Times Three Chapter, No. 92, R. A. M. He likewise belongs to Colo Camp, No. 1591, M. W. A., while his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Christian church, with which his wife is also affiliated. Mr. Yeager is faithful in all his duties as a citizen and wields a forceful influence in his community, in all parts of which he is highly respected.

S. S. Hanson.

S. S. Hanson, one of the best known and most prosperous residents of Story county, is the proprietor of the Meadow Lawn Stock Farm, embracing five hundred and fifty-seven acres of land in Collins township. He is likewise a prominent factor in financial circles, having served as president of the Exchange State Bank at Collins since its organization. In public life, too, his influence has been felt and he is now ably discharging the duties devolving upon him as county supervisor. His birth occurred in Jasper county, Iowa, on the 25th of September, 1864, his parents being Hans and Mary (Ashton) Hanson, the former a native of Norway and the latter of Muskingum county, Ohio. When still but a boy Hans Hanson accompanied his parents on their emigration to the United States, the family home being established in Illinois. He grew to manhood in that state and in 1849 joined the "fortune hunters" who were flocking to California in search of gold. Crossing the plains with an ox team, he remained in California for about four years but met with only average success. Being next attracted to the Australia gold fields, he also spent about four years in that country with excellent results. It was with the intention of investing his money in Illinois farm lands that he returned to that state, but believing the price too high for profitable investment, he came to Iowa, purchasing and locating on a quarter section of land in Clear Creek township, Jasper county. In that township he made his home throughout the remainder of his active business career, being successfully engaged in general agricultural pursuits. On putting aside the active work of the fields he took up his abode in Collins, where his demise occurred late in the '90s. His wife was called to her final rest about two weeks later.

S. S. Hanson remained with his parents until about twenty-four years of age, when his father removed to Collins, leaving him in charge of the home farm. In partnership with his brother George he operated the place

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