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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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New Albany township, six miles southeast of Colo, stocked it with cattle and hired a man to take care of it. In 1900 he was elected to the board of county supervisors and served for two terms. In the fall of 1902 he located on his farm and continued to reside thereon until the spring of 1907, when he took up his abode in Colo, employing a capable man to supervise the operation of his farm. In 1907, in association with Leo Armstrong of Ames, Mr. Silliman was awarded the contract to build the county bridges of Story county. In recent years he has been successfully engaged in the insurance business and also deals in farm lands to some extent. For the past ten years he has been one of the best known breeders of registered shorthorn cattle in the state and has been a successful exhibitor at the county fairs, the Iowa. state fair and also at the International Stock Show in Chicago. He has made it a point to exhibit only stock which he personally has bred and in his exhibits at the state fair and at the International Show in Chicago he has never failed to win a premium. He has gained an enviable reputation throughout the nation as a breeder of thoroughbred cattle, and as a judge of cattle his services are in demand even as far distant as San Antonio, Texas. The American Shorthorn Breeders' Association numbers him among its valued members.

In 1894 Mr. Silliman was united in marriage to Miss Eva Erb, of Cambridge, Story county. He is a republican in politics and has been called to serve on the town council of Colo. He is identified with various fraternities, belonging to Columbia Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of Colo; Three Times Three Chapter, R. A. M.; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows ; the Knights of Pythias; the Modern Woodmen of America; and the Red Men. He is also the oldest Elk in Story county, belonging to the lodge at Des Moines. His religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he acts as steward and to which his wife also belongs. They have the warm esteem and friendship of many with whom they have come in contact and the hospitality of the best homes of the locality is cordially extended them.


Dr. Arthur Gerald Glann, a practicing physician and surgeon of Colo, Iowa, well deserves mention among the most able representatives of the medical profession in this county. His birth occurred in Hinckley, De Kalb county, Illinois, on the 8th of September, 1875, his parents being James F. and Phoebe (Ward) Glann. He comes of Scotch ancestry. The founder of the Glann family in this country was part owner of a vessel which was wrecked in a terrific storm while preparing to leave Turk island with a cargo of salt bound for the Liverpool market. He was also possessed of a title as lord of Vincent island but lost it when he was swept away by a

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