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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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township; and Chester, Mina, Veva and Vera, all of whom are under the parental roof. The two last named are twins.

Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise Mr. Ray has supported the men and measures of the democracy but he has never sought office as a reward for his party fealty. Those who know him socially find him a genial gentleman, always courteous and manifesting that deference for the opinions of others which ever wins good will and regard in any land or clime.


Among the promising young men of Story county should be named Thor O. Hegland, who for five years past has most acceptably filled the position of cashier of the McCallsburg State Bank, showing a capability which gives brilliant promise as to his future. He is a native of this county, born July 20, 1886, a son of S. O. Hegland, of Roland. He was reared under the favoring influences of farm life and received his early education in the district schools. He was unusually studious and always aimed to be at the head of the class–a position he often succeeded in securing. After leaving the district school he attended school at Decorah, Iowa, and later became a student of the Capital City Commercial College, at Des Moines, taking the complete business course in that institution and graduating with high credit in 1906.

Immediately after returning from Des Moines Mr. Hegland was made cashier of the McCallsburg State Bank, a position he has since filled. Being a young man of fine natural ability and possessing good judgment and clear discrimination, he is well qualified for the responsible position he occupies. He is closely devoted to his work and has gained a reputation in the community as a capable and progressive citizen who is destined to attain a marked degree of success in the field of finances. Naturally endowed with a pleasing appearance, he has a gentlemanly address and possesses the characteristics recognized as most essential in gaining the confidence and respect of others.

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