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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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to Collins, organizing the firm of Hall & Poorbaugh, which engaged successfully in general mercantile business. Several years later Mr. Poorbaugh sold his interest to I. H. Pulis and the business so continued until 1897, when Mr. Hall retired, disposing of his interest to his partner. In 1898 he associated with his brother, Tiffin Hall, in organizing the firm of Hall Brothers, general merchants, which was successfully launched and attracted a fair share of the public patronage. In 1905 our subject purchased the interest of his brother and has since conducted the business independently. He keeps a large and well selected stock and his store is not only a credit to himself but to the community.

In 1873 Mr. Hall was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Bell, a daughter of Henry Bell, a prominent farmer of Polk county, and of this union seven children have been born, five of whom are now living, namely: Clara, the wife of Henry Denniston, a farmer of Collins township; Charles H., a practicing attorney of Nevada, this state; Grace, now the wife of O. G. Smith, of Nevada; Milo, of Des Moines, Iowa; and Jennie, who is living at home and is attending the Collins high school.

Mr. Hall is an independent republican politically and has served as a member of the town council of Collins and also of the school board. He is identified with Fervent Lodge, No. 513, A. F. & A. M., and the Modern Woodmen of America, and he and his wife are members of the Order of the Eastern Star and the Methodist church. Mr. Hall takes an active interest in church and Sunday school work and for twenty-three years past has been superintendent of the Sunday school. He is a leading factor in all movements pertaining to the welfare of Collins and vicinity and is recognized as one who has contributed substantially to the progress of the community.


Among the extensive landowners and prosperous farmers of Warren township must be placed the name of Ole J. Twedt, who also has the distinction of being one of the early settlers of Story county. He was born in Norway on the 29th of May, 1857, a son of John J. and Carrie (Olson) Twedt, who were also natives of Norway, where the mother died. The father subsequently came to America with his seven children in 1866 and located on a farm in Howard township, Story county, Iowa. Here he was later married to Boleta Enes, also a native of Norway, by whom he had two children, both now deceased. The father died May 6, 1899, at the age of eighty-five years, and his second wife passed away about twenty-three years ago.

Ole J. Twedt was a lad of nine years when his father settled in Story county so that the greater part of his life has been spent here. He at-

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