same office several times. He has been engaged in the real-estate business since 1868 and for the past ten years has given considerable attention to the business of abstracter of land titles and thinks he has the best set of abstract books in Story county. During the forty-two years connection with real-estate operations here he has handled much valuable property. He is regarded as authority upon real-estate investments, valuations and titles.
On the 12th of June, 1889, Mr. Allen lost his right arm at the shoulder joint as the result of having been kicked by his horse eighteen months or two years previously. In politics he has been a lifelong republican and voted for Abraham Lincoln at his second election. He has served in several official positions, the duties of which he has discharged with promptness and fidelity. He served as justice of the peace for more than sixteen years and has held the offices of city recorder, councilman and mayor and has united in marriage more than one hundred couples. Over the record of his official career there falls no shadow of wrong or suspicion of evil. He has ever regarded a public office as a public trust and no trust reposed in Madison C. Allen has ever been betrayed in the slightest degree. He exercises his official prerogatives in support of many progressive measures and as Nevada's chief executive gave to the city a businesslike administration. He is now the president of the Story County Independent Telephone Company. He belongs to the order of the Knights of Pythias and has a record such as few men possess, being a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Sons of Veterans and the Sons of the American Revolution, his great-grandfather, Ananias Allen, having been a captain in the Second Regiment of Sussex county, New Jersey, militia in the Revolutionary war. The same spirit of patriotism which prompted his enlistment in his youthful days in defense of the Union has been manifest throughout his entire life in his loyalty to his country.
A. C. Allen.
A. C. Allen needs no introduction to the readers of this volume, for he has been a lifelong resident of Nevada, where his birth occurred on the 3oth of July, 1876. At the usual age he was sent to the public schools and passing through consecutive grades was graduated from the high school with the class of 1895. Later he did special work for three years in Cornell College of Iowa and since 1897 he has worked on abstract books and since the 7th of April, 1909, has engaged in the abstract business on his own account. He has proven his worth in the business world and enjoys the confidence and high regard of all with whom he has been brought in contact through the conduct of his business affairs.
In 1899 Mr. Allen was united in marriage to Miss Alice M. White, who was born in Nevada, Iowa, June 28, 1877, and is a daughter of John W. and