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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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attending Hanover Academy at Hanover, Pennsylvania, from which he was graduated in 1900. He taught school for a time after entering the academy and also after his graduation but came to the conclusion that he would devote his energies to a professional career. Accordingly he went to Philadelphia in 1902 and entered a drug store, at the same time studying pharmacy and attending lectures in the Medico-Chirurgical College, graduating from that celebrated institution with the degree of Ph. G. in 1905. He then took up a medical course at the same college, which he pursued for three years, at the end of which time he went to Denver, Colorado, and entered the medical department of the Denver University, graduating with honors and receiving the degree of M. D. in 1909. In recognition of special talent as a student he received the appointment of interne or house physician of St. Luke's Hospital of Denver, one of the most noted hospitals of the west, which position he filled for one year, gaining an experience that has been invaluable to him in his practice.

In April, 1910, Dr. Bowers located for general practice in Nevada. He is an untiring student and a close observer, and his success has been largely due to his ability to make a practical application of his knowledge. He keeps thoroughly informed as to the latest discoveries and developments in medicine and surgery and is a constant reader of the best medical magazines and reviews as well as of standard works relating to his profession. He is a member of the Iowa State Medical Society and the Story County Medical Society and fraternally is identified with the Masonic order, the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America. He has many friends in these organizations and also in the community where he lives. Having made a thorough preparation for his profession under some of the greatest physicians and surgeons of America, he is well qualified to discharge his duties and today it is doubtful whether any other professional man in this part of the state has a more promising future than the gentleman whose name introduces this review.


Beginning as a farm hand, William Vasey, of Collins township, by energy, enterprise and sound business judgment has become one of the wealthy citizens of Story county. He was born in Yorkshire, England, April 22, 1849, son of Richard and Rebecca (Anderson) Vasey, both of whom were also natives of Yorkshire. In 1861 the family emigrated to this country and the father engaged in farming in Jacksonville, Illinois, until 1887, when he removed to Story county, Iowa. Several of his sons had preceded him to this county and were greatly pleased with the outlook as to its agricultural possibilities. Shortly after his arrival the father purchased eighty acres across the line in Jasper county, where he resided

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