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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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children have been born to them, two of whom, Orpha M. and Lester, died in infancy. Bernice M. is now assisting her father as deputy clerk, and Donald H. is a student in the public schools.

Mr. Soper is a man of gentlemanly address and pleasing personality, gaining friends readily wherever he is known. His extensive acquaintance with business affairs previous to his entering public office prepared him thoroughly for his new responsibilities and by the capable and conscientious discharge of his duties for a number of years he has gained in an unusual degree the confidence and goodwill of the courts and the people. Politically he is identified with the republican party and fraternally with the Masonic order, the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias, being a stanch believer in the beneficient teachings of these organizations. Mrs. Soper, who has proved to her husband a helpful and loving companion, is an active worker in the Congregational church and is also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, to which Mr. Soper also belongs.

F. D. Edenburn.

Among the new residents of Indian Creek township none has proven himself to 'be a greater acquisition to the community in which he now lives than F. D. Edenburn, who two years ago bought the old Veneman farm on which he has since lived. He was born in the capital city on the 5th of June, 1867, being therefore a native son of this state. His parents were John J. and Emeline (Shannon) Edenburn, both natives of Ohio, where they were reared and married, but soon after marriage they came west and settled in Des Moines, where they lived for several years. The father was a plasterer by trade and followed this occupation the greater part of his life. From Des Moines the family removed to Dallas county, Iowa, where the parents spent the remainder of their lives.

Mr. Edenburn was a very small boy when his parents removed to Dallas county and it was there he was reared, receiving his education in the common schools. During his boyhood and youth his time was quite equally divided between the task of the schoolroom, the work assigned by parental authority and the sports and amusements indulged in by all active young people. In 1899 he began farming as a renter, but by means of diligence and economy he saved sufficient capital to enable him to become a landowner in 1906, and he bought ninety-four acres of farming land in Greene county, Iowa. He only remained there one year, however, and then sold and bought eighty acres in Boone county. He had cultivated this but one year when he disposed of it and purchased eighty acres in another portion of the county. In February, 1909, he bought and moved to his present farm in Indian Creek township, this county, where he still resides. He is making a specialty of raising hogs and in this he has been very sue-

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