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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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puncheon floor and slab benches, where the rod formed a very important feature of the curriculum. At the usual age he laid aside his text-books to assume the heavier responsibilities of manhood. He remained at home until he was twenty-three years of age, when he rented land and began farming for himself, but by thrift, hard work and self-denial he was able to acquire sufficient capital to purchase eighty acres on section 13, Indian Creek township, in 1867. The land was unimproved and after erecting a house he located thereon and from then until 1888 this continued to be his home. In the latter year he removed to Maxwell, where he has ever since lived retired, which is the reward of tireless energy and indomitable courage in the face of the hardships and misfortunes incident to life in a new country.

Mr. Hall responded to his country's call and went to the front during the Civil war with Company I of the Thirteenth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, in which he had enlisted on the 27th of October, 1864. He took part in various skirmishes and battles, among the most important being the battle of Nashville. Receiving his discharge on the 28th of July, 1865, he then returned home.

On the 17th of October, 1861, Mr. Hall and Miss Sarah Dunahoo were united in marriage. Mrs. Hall is a daughter of William Dunahoo, one of the pioneer settlers of Story county, who came here in 1854 and located on a farm in Indian Creek township.

Mr. and Mrs. Hall are both members of the Methodist Episcopal church. He has always been a stanch supporter of the republican party, although he has never sought any reward for party fealty in the form of political honors or public office. He is known as one of the substantial citizens of Maxwell and has always been held in high regard in the communities where he resided because of his fine sterling qualities.


Among the well known and highly successful native sons of Story county is Madison R. Dunahoo, who was born in Indian Creek township on the 19th of May, 1857. He is a son of John and Rachel (Ray) Dunahoo, the father being a Virginian by birth and the mother a native of Indiana. They came to Iowa in 1854, locating on the farm where their son Madison R. was born and now lives. Eighty acres of this land was acquired from the government and later Mr. Dunahoo bought forty more adjoining. It was here that they reared their children and continued to make their home during the remainder of their lives. On the 28th of March, 1880, Mrs. Dunahoo passed away and was survived by her husband for twenty-four years, his death occurring on the 12th of November, 1904. He was an ardent advocate of the principles of the republican

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