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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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Daniel B. Lewis was reared in a peaceful home and acquired his early education in the district schools, later attending the Cambridge high school, from which he was graduated in 1905. After teaching school for several terms he took a course in the Capital City Commercial College at Des Moines, graduating with the class of 1908 and showing a proficiency in his examinations that gave bright promise as to his future. Immediately after leaving the commercial college he was appointed cashier of the Farmers Savings Bank of Huxley, and has since served with great acceptance in that position. He is a member of the Lutheran church of Cambridge and is quite prominently identified with social circles in this region. From the beginning of his active career he has shown an adaptability to his chosen calling, which is a brilliant prophecy of a life of usefulness and honor that cannot fail to reflect credit upon himself and those with whom he is associated.

ANDREW A. Olson.

Andrew A. Olson, a member of one of the well known families of Roland, was born in Howard township, Story county, on the 16th of September, 1863, a son of Abel and Jorena Olson. The father was born in Norway and on coming to the United States located in Chicago, where he followed the life of a sailor on Lake Michigan, serving for seven years as first mate of a vessel. In 1854 he came to Story county, Iowa, and, buying forty acres of land, engaged in farming. He later sold that tract and bought eighty acres, which he soon disposed of, and then purchased another eighty on section 16, Howard township, where he continued to live up to the time of his death. He was a persevering and industrious man and had accumulated six hundred and eighty acres of land in Story county at the time of his demise. He was for many years identified with the business interests of Roland, being one of the first men to engage in general merchandising there. In connection with Jona Duey, Paul Thompson and John Evenson, he conducted what was called the Granger store, but later withdrew and embarked in the general merchandise business on his own account, with which he was connected at the time of his death. He was a member of the republican party and always took an active interest in all local political issues. He was justice of the peace for twenty years, which fact alone is assurance of his capable as well as faithful discharge of the duties of the office. He was also one of the first assessors of Howard township and was for many years regarded as the political leader in that township. He was one of the organizers of the Lutheran church of Roland, contributing liberally toward the founding and maintenance of the same. He married Jorena Olson, and unto them were born four children, all of whom are still living: Ole, who resides in Minnesota;

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