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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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On the 6th of February, 1854, Edmund Loughran was united in marriage to Miss Sarah A. Bryer, and they became the parents of nine children, who are as follows: John B., a resident of Scott, Kansas ; Sarah, who became the wife of W. H. Wintersteen and lives in Hartford, South Dakota; Edmund James, living in Madison county, Iowa; one who died in infancy; Stephen L., our subject; Thomas J., residing in Ames; Jennie E., the wife of F. M. Coulter, also living in Ames ; William B., who died at the age of thirty-six years; and Mary B., who lives in Los Angeles, California. The family always attended the services of the United Presbyterian church and the parents hold membership in the First church of that denomination in Des Moines. Mr. Loughran votes the republican ticket and for a period of four years filled the office of justice of peace. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, being locally identified with Ellsworth Post, No. 30, of Ames. He stands high in the regard of the people of the community where he has resided for nearly a quarter of a century.

Stephen L. Loughran acquired his preliminary education in the public schools of Des Moines and in 1884 entered the Iowa State College, where he remained until 1887, at which time he entered into business with his father under the firm name of the Loughran Machine company. This is the pioneer machine business of the county having been in existence for twenty-six years, and they now have a branch establishment at Gilbert, Iowa. They handle a full and complete line of buggies, wagons and farming implements, and also deal in coal.

Mr. Loughran completed arrangements for a home of his own by his marriage to Miss Lillie Brown, a daughter of Captain K. W. and Lydia (Gates) Brown. Six children have been born of this union, as follows : Faith Lillian ; Sarah, who died in infancy; Stephen L., Jr.; Kendric W.; Dorothy Gates, and Edmund. The family attend the Congregational church of which the parents and three older children are members. Ever since he acquired the full rights of citizenship Mr. Loughran has cast his ballot for the candidates of the republican party. He has never taken an active part in politics, not aspiring to public office, but fulfills his duties as a citizen by being at the polls on election day.

J. J. Coon.

J. J. Coon is one of the venerable citizens of Story county, having passed the eighty-first milestone on life's journey. He was born in Saratoga county, New York, December 23, 1829, and has, therefore, lived through the period of America's greatest and most marvelous development. His parents were Samuel and Elizabeth (Jaco) Coon, both of whom were natives of Saratoga county, New York. The mother died in the Empire state, but the father passed away in Branch county, Michigan. They were

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