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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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in 1874. They had three children. Jennie, the eldest, is the wife of John McKay, of Saskatchewan, Canada. Charles Edgar, who served for three years in the regular army with the rank of sergeant, was born in Story county, October 28, 1872, and at the time of the Spanish-American war enlisted for service in the volunteer army and died in Cuba in 1898. Myrtle Belle, of Portland, Oregon, lost her mother when but two years of age and was adopted by Edward Lockwood, whose name she now bears. On the 29th of January, 1880, Mr. McMichael was again married, his third union being with Sarah Long, who was born in Stark county, Ohio, in 1847. They have one child, Kate, who is now the wife of L. J. Cole, and resides with her father.

In his political views Mr. McMichael has always been a stalwart democrat but has never sought or desired office. He belongs to the Grand Army of the Republic and thus keeps in touch with those who were his comrades when he followed the old flag upon southern battlefields. He has now passed the seventy-second milestone on life's journey and though still engaged in business to some extent is also living partially retired, enjoying a rest which he has truly earned and richly merits.

GEORGE C. Coughenour.

In the list of the younger generation of well known and successful farmers of Story county must be placed the name of George C. Coughenour, who is also a native son, having been born in Indian Creek township on the 5th of September, 1877. The parents, Solomon and Margaret (Dunahoo) Coughenour, came to Iowa with their respective parents, he from Pennsylvania and she from Virginia, when they were children and. are included among the first settlers of this county. After their marriage they settled in Indian Creek township, where the father engaged in farming until about 1901, at which time he retired and they moved to Nevada, where they have since continued to live.

George C. Coughenour spent his boyhood and youth under the parental roof, acquiring his education in the common schools, assisting in the work of the farm and enjoying such pastimes as do the majority of young people living in the rural districts. When he had acquired sufficient education to enable him to undertake the duties and responsibilities of life he laid aside his text-books and turned his attention to farming, having decided to follow that occupation as it was the one to which he had been reared and which he considered was best adapted to his powers. At the age of twenty years he relieved his father by taking over the entire charge and management of the home farm, which he still continues to cultivate. It consists of one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 1, Indian Creek township, and is considered one of the valuable properties of Story

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