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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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home farm, which reverted to him on the settlement of the family estate in 1903. This place comprises one hundred and sixty acres and is one of the highly improved farms of Story county. It is provided with subtantial buildings and all conveniences of a first class, up-to-date establishment. Mr. Mead makes a specialty of stock-feeding, using not only all the grain and hay that he raises but he also buys extensively from others. He is a good judge of stock and being well acquainted with the markets is generally able to secure the very best prices available.

On the 11th of November, 1903, Mr. Mead was united in marriage to Miss Hattie E. Middleton, of Modale, Iowa, a daughter of William and Catherine (Mintun) Middleton, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Iowa. Mr. Middleton came to Iowa about 1846 and engaged in farming in Harrison county. He also served as foreman on the construction of the Union Pacific Railway when it was built through Nebraska, but is now living retired at Modale at the age of eighty-three years. There were eighteen children in his family.

To Mr. and Mrs. Mead two children have been born : Leroy William, and Elena Kathryn. Politically Mr. Mead gives his support to the republican party and fraternally is identified with Fervent Lodge, No. 513, A. F. & A. M., of Collins. He is a kind and considerate husband and father, an enterprising citizen and a faithful friend, who is willing to make any reasonable sacrifice to advance the comfort and happiness of those with whom he associates. By an industrious and straightforward life he has gained an enviable reputation for efficiency and integrity, and his personal worth is fully demonstrated in the high esteem in which, he is held by people of Collins and vicinity.


Mathew Ellis McMichael occupies an attractive home at No. 1007 Douglas avenue and is now partially living retired but for many years was closely associated with agricultural interests and draying. He was born at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, March 20, 1839. His parents, Robert and Jane (Cairns) McMichael, were both natives of Ireland, where they were reared and married. The year 1819 witnessed their arrival in Pennsylvania, at which time they took up their abode near Philadelphia, and later removed to Pittsburg. After a year in the latter city they went to Lisbon, Columbiana county, Ohio, where Mathew E. McMichael remained until his enlistment for service in the Union army in May, 1862. Both of his parents spent their last days in Lisbon, the mother passing away March 19, 1855, while the father's death occurred on the 19th of February, 1866. He was a weaver and followed that trade throughout his life. He was also an expert at sowing grain and stacking it and did

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