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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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community proved him to be a man of progressive ideas and one well able to direct and fill any local office. As justice of the peace he proved himself fully as competent, his decisions in all cases meeting with the approval of the general public. Since his retirement and residence in Maxwell he has served six years in the town council, and in the spring of 1909 he was elected mayor and is still the incumbent of that office.

Mr. Angelo was united in marriage on the 9th of January, 1876, to Miss Ada R. Kimberly, a daughter of Isaiah and Mary Ann (Cleverly) Kimberly, of Jasper county, where they continue to reside, he at the venerable age of eighty-five years and she having passed her seventy-ninth anniversary. One child was born to this couple, Wyatt B., who is practicing law in Plainfield, Wisconsin.

Mr. and Mrs. Angelo are both members of the Christian church, of which he has been a trustee for years. He is also identified with the Masonic fraternity, being a member of Herald Lodge, No. 455, A. F. & A. M. He is one of the progressive men of his community, who has always been held in high regard, both he and Mrs. Angelo being popular in both church and social circles of Maxwell.


Among the native sons of this county whose close application and industry have been rewarded by a comfortable competence is Horace Greeley Handsaker. He is the son of William and Emily Handsaker and was born on section 22, Richland township, on the 3d of January, 1870. The mother was born in Indiana and was reared in Illinois but the father was an Englishman by birth and came to the United States when he was a young man, settling in Richland township, this county, where he met and married Emily Wyatt. Of the eight children born of this union six are living.

The boyhood and youth of H. G. Handsaker differed but in detail from that of the majority of boys who are reared in the rural districts. It was the usual routine of school, work about the farm and such sports as are usually enjoyed by strong and energetic lads. His education was acquired in the district schools of the township in which he was born and reared. On laying aside his text-books he assisted his father in the work of the home farm until he had reached the age of twenty years, when he began life for himself. For two years he served in the capacity of a farm hand, but at the end of that period he was able to become somewhat more independent and rented a farm from his father, which he continued to cultivate for five years. His thrift, good management and hard work were rewarded during that period to the extent that he was able to become a property owner and he bought two hundred and forty acres on section 22, Richland township, where he still resides. Later he invested in one hun-

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