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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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with good success until 1909, when he purchased his present home in Roland. He has also engaged in the live stock business and during the past year has operated in the real-estate field. In addition to his farm property in this county he also owns one hundred and sixty acres in Pembina county, North Dakota.

In 1899 Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to Miss Mary Hegland, who was born in Roland in December, 1881, and is a daughter of M. Hegland. This union has been blessed with five children. Orvil, the eldest, died in infancy, and Amos, the second, died at the age of five years. The others are Orphie, Belford and Melvern.

The parents are members of the Lutheran church and Mr. Anderson gives his political allegiance to the republican party which he has supported continuously since attaining his majority. He does not seek recognition along political lines, however, but gives his time and energies to business affairs, and his unfaltering perseverance, his watchfulness of all details and his improvement of opportunities have been the salient features in a desirable and gratifying success.

M. L. Tesdall.

M. L. Tesdall, filling the position of county recorder, is numbered among the native sons of Story county, his birth having occurred in Palestine township, on the 6th of January, 1869. He has always lived in this county and was reared as a farm boy, spending his youthful days in the home of his parents, Ole and Betsy (Sheldahl) Tesdall, both of whom were natives of Norway, the former born on the 3d of September, 1836, and the latter on the 12th of January, 1843. They left the land of the midnight sun in early life, however, and in 1855 became residents of Story county, where they were married. They settled upon a farm in Palestine township, where they still make their home, being well known and worthy representatives of the agricultural interests of this part of the state.

M. L. Tesdall, the third in order of birth in a family of nine children, spent his youthful days in the usual manner of farm lads, working in the fields through the summer months and attending the district schools in the winter seasons. He also continued his education in Capital City Commercial College at Des Moines. He became connected with official interests in the court house as deputy county recorder in January, 1903, filling that position until elected county recorder in 1906. He is now serving the third term in that office. On the occasion of each election he received large majorities, which indicate his popularity and the confidence reposed in him by his fellow townsmen. He is prompt, systematic and faithful in the discharge of his official duties, and his record has received the commendation and indorsement of the general public. He was elected on the republican

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