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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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Mrs. Oliver have two children: Irene, now the wife of Oscar Johnson, living two miles west of Gilbert; and Dr. Clifford I. Oliver, who is a graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Chicago and now a practicing physician of Graceville, Minnesota.

Mr. Oliver has been a lifelong republican, active in support of the party and its principles. He served as township clerk of Franklin township for fifteen years, has done effective work as a progressive member of the city council of Gilbert and in the spring of 1910 was elected mayor, since which time he has given to the city a businesslike and public-spirited administration, resulting beneficially to Gilbert in many ways. He is likewise a valued representative of fraternal organizations. He is a charter member of Frank Bentley Post No. 79, G. A. R., and also of the Odd Fellows lodge of Gilbert, and he joined the Congregational church of the town on its organization and has since been one of its active and helpful members. With the exception of two years he has served continuously as clerk of the church and for twenty-five years has been superintendent of the Sunday school, doing excellent work in making the methods of the school of interest to the young and thus inculcating in their minds lessons which are factors in character building. While he has met with splendid success, business has been to him but one phase of existence and not the end and aim of life. He has at all times recognized his duties and obligations in other relations and stands as a high type of American manhood and chivalry.

SAMUEL S. Statler.

Samuel S. Statler, now living retired at Nevada, was for many years actively identified with its business interests. He has now passed the eightieth milestone on life's journey and, having throughout life been governed by strict principles of honor and fidelity to every trust, he enjoys the goodwill of all who know him. He was born in Stoyestown, Somerset county, Pennsylvania, December 2, 1830, and is a son of Jonathan Statler, also a native of Pennsylvania. The family on the paternal side is of German origin and good Revolutionary stock, the early progenitors having arrived in America during colonial days. Jonathan Statler was a merchant and also owner of a tannery, being known as a man of good business judgment and reliable character. He was a member of the Presbyterian church and politically was identified with the democratic party. He was called away at the age of fifty-six years, in 1860. The mother of our subject, who bore the maiden name of Maria Snell, was born in Pennsylvania, May 14, 1811. She was of Scotch descent and possessed many admirable traits inherited from worthy ancestry. She was a firm believer

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