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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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Kelly operating the farm. They have three children, Ruth, Ralph and Floyd.

A third of a century has passed away since Mr. Simmons was called to his final rest, but he is yet remembered by many of the old settlers and citizens of this country as a man of genuine worth, active and industrious, and loyal to the best interests of the community. Mrs. Simmons is today the eldest resident in this neighborhood, having lived here for more than fifty-five years, during which period she has witnessed a marvelous transformation. When she came there were no railroads, much of the land was unclaimed and uncultivated and the work of civilization and improvement seemed scarcely begun. She has seen crossroads villages transformed into thriving cities and towns and as the years have gone by has also witnessed substantial growth in educational and moral progress as well as along material lines. She can relate many interesting incidents of the early days when the homes were small and luxuries few but when hospitality reigned supreme and a spirit of general helpfulness existed among neighbors.


One of the highly esteemed business men of Roland is James H. Larson, who is also serving his second term as mayor of the village. He is the son of Lars and Joanna Haugen, both natives of Norway. The father was born in Norway in 1827 and came to the United States in 1867, locating in Kendall county, Illinois. During his first five years of residence in the United States he worked by the day and then rented a place in Howard township, Story county, Iowa, which he cultivated until 1879. By thrift, careful management and untiring application he acquired the means which enabled him to become a property owner and in 1879 he bought eighty acres of land on which he lived until 1896, when he added to his holdings another one hundred and sixty acres. Shortly after this he withdrew from active farming and is now living retired in Huxley, Iowa, enjoying the fruit of his early labors, his realty yielding him a sufficient income to provide him with the necessities of life and some of the luxuries. Mr. and Mrs. Haugen were the parents of nine children, of whom seven are living: James H., our subject; John, residing in Salem, Oregon; Louis, living at Lakefield, Minnesota; Belle, a resident of Colorado Springs ; Cornelius, of Devil's Lake, North Dakota ; Eddie, residing in Seattle, Washington ; and Louise, who is the wife of Elmer Thompson.

Mr. Larson spent his boyhood and youth on a farm, performing such work as paternal authority dictated. His education was mainly acquired in night school and he enjoyed the sports and games usually favored by

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