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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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record for himself. To attain deserved success requires perseverance, self-reliance and habits of industry and when these characteristics, as in the career of Mr. Grove, are united with well established principles of personal honor and fidelity to all obligations there can be no doubt as to the result.

JOHN H. Larson.

It is an old saying that perseverance wins success and in countless circumstances the truth of this statement has been fully demonstrated. An additional evidence is presented in the life of John H. Larson, ex-mayor of Slater and widely recognized as one of the substantial business men in Story county. As president of a flourishing bank, he has shown his ability in, the field of finances and for years he has been at the head of one of the leading mercantile establishments of his part of the county.

He was born in Norway, July 30, 1862, a son of Lars and Anna Haugen. The parents emigrated to the United States in 1866 and spent two or three years near Lisbon, Illinois, then removing to Polk county, Iowa, but in the fall of the same year took up their residence north of Ames in Story county. Two years later Mr. Larson rented a farm in the northeast part of the county and after cultivating this place for four years purchased a farm in Hardin county, upon which he lived until his retirement to Slater. After the death of his wife he took up his home with a daughter at Huxley, where he now lives.

John H. Larson came to America with his parents when four years of age and remained at home, securing such education as was available in the district schools until he arrived at the age of fifteen or sixteen years. Having a natural inclination for mercantile rather than agricultural life, he secured a position in a store at Sheldahl, continuing in that establishment for eleven years. He became well acquainted with mercantile affairs and acquired a solid foundation for, a successful business career. Having decided to begin upon his own account, he came to Slater in 1889 and purchased a half-interest in the lumber business of A. K. Ersland, the firm assuming the title of Ersland & Larson. Later he, acquired his partner's interest and the business has since been conducted under his own name, being now the leading mercantile concern in Slater. Mr. Larson was one of the organizers 0f the Farmers Savings Bank at Slater and was elected a member of the board of directors, the Hon. Oley Nelson being chosen as president. After several years Mr. Nelson resigned and Mr. Larson was selected as his successor, a position which he has filled with the highest credit to himself and to the great satisfaction of the officers and stockholders of the institution.

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