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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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M. C. Keith, who removed to Casper, Wyoming. In the intervening five years he has built up an extensive and remunerative patronage, having demonstrated his skill and ability in coping with the intricate problems which continually confront the physician in his efforts to restore health and prolong life.

In politics Dr. Dickey is a republican, while his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. Fraternally he is identified with the Yeomen, the Modern Woodmen of America and Tabernacle Lodge No. 452, A. F. & A. M., of Cambridge. He maintains the strictest conformity to the highest professional ethics and enjoys in full measure the confidence and respect of his professional brethren as well as of the general public.


Frederick Waldemar Larson, cashier of the Citizens State Bank of Cambridge and one of the valued citizens of the community, was born in Boone county, Illinois, April 7, 1865, and is the son of Jonas T. and Sina (Nessen) Larson. The parents were both natives of Norway and came to America on the same boat in 1861, their destination being Chicago. They were married in the Illinois metropolis and subsequently removed to Boone county, where they lived for two years, and then in 1866 came with an emigrant train to Story county, Iowa. The father purchased land two miles west of Cambridge in Union township and became one of the substantial farmers of that section. The mother was called away in 1881, and Mr. Larson was again married, the lady of his choice being Miss Carrie Burreson, also a native of Norway. He had six children by his first marriage and seven by the second, and was summoned from earthly scenes in October, 1908, at the age of seventy-seven years. His second wife is still living. He was a stanch republican politically but being of a modest and retiring nature never sought public office. Religiously he adhered to the Lutheran church.

Frederick Waldemar Larson received his early education in the district schools and, having shown a decided inclination for study, was sent to Augsburg Seminary at Minneapolis, Minnesota, his parents intending to prepare him for the ministry of the Lutheran church. After two terms in the seminary, however, he left that institution and entered the Western Normal College at Shenandoah, Iowa, taking the normal and business courses, from which he was graduated in 1888. He taught school for several terms and was for a time in Chicago. Finally, being attracted to the mercantile business he came to Cambridge and continued in business with good success for about ten years. In 1901 he disposed of his store and soon afterward accepted the position of cashier of the Citizens State Bank, which he has ever since filled, being also a stockholder and a member of the board of directors

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