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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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Corps and subsequently the Second Division of the Second Corps. He was the last volunteer brigadier general to be mustered out after the close of hostilities with Spain, his military service in that war continuing until March 16, 1899. He then returned to Ames, where he has resided continuously since. At the reorganization of the Iowa National Guard after the war, he took command of the Fifty-first Regiment and later of the Fifty-fifth Iowa Infantry. On the 5th of July, 1908, he was elected brigadier general of the Iowa National Guard, which position he has since filled.

In 1865 General Lincoln was married to Elizabeth Blake, of Virginia, who died in 1866, leaving a son, who died in 1908 and left a widow and two children in Richmond, Virginia. In 1872 General Lincoln wedded Priscilla C. Hicks, a native of New York and a daughter of Alexander Hamilton Hicks, who removed from the Empire state to Three Rivers, Michigan, but is now deceased. The children of the second marriage are: William B., government inspector in charge of packing houses in Nashville, Tennessee; Charles S., who is a graduate of the Iowa State College and is now a captain of the Second Infantry of the regular army; Theressa, at home; Francis H., a captain in the coast artillery of the United States army, being artillery engineer officer of the district of Boston, Massachusetts; Arthur J., an employee of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad; Rush B., a lieutenant of the Second Infantry, U. S. A.; and Lotie, who died in 1898 at the age of nine years.

General Lincoln is a man of fine personal appearance, whose soldierly bearing is at once evidence of his military training and experience. He holds to a high standard in the military training of his department in college and of the state troops as well and has every reason to be proud of the record of the Iowa National Guard.

ANDREW C. Anderson.

Andrew C. Anderson, who owns a well developed and highly productive farm in Palestine township, belongs to the class of men who win their way to the front regardless of circumstances. They possess the strength and energy so necessary in the accomplishment of an important undertaking, especially in the attainment of financial success. In this class are to be found many men representing the best type of American citizenship.

Mr. Anderson was born in Clinton county, Iowa, October 28, 1871, a son of Christopher and Velder Anderson, both natives of Norway. They lived for a short time in Clinton county, and then removed to Story county, Mr. Anderson purchasing a farm about four miles northwest of Huxley, in Palestine township. This place he cultivated to good advantage until 1898, when he removed to Huxley, where he has since resided. He and his wife

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