that his aid and influence are ever to be found on the side of progress and improvement. He was mayor of Nevada for one term, 1903-1904, and gave to the city a businesslike administration, wherein the interests of the city were greatly promoted. He became connected with the First National Bank as assistant cashier, and still continues in that position.
In 1895 Mr. Klove was united in marriage to Miss Sylvia Thompson, a native of Nevada, and a daughter of F. D. Thompson. They now have two children : Herman Thompson and Sumner Edwin.
In his political life Mr. Klove has been a lifelong republican, unfaltering in his allegiance to the principles of the party. He has served as a member of the city council and also as secretary of the school board, filling the former position from April, 1906 until April, 1909, while in the latter office he served for four years. He holds membership in the Lutheran church and for many years has served on its council. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias fraternity, the Masonic lodge and the Modern Woodmen camp. The greater part of his life has been passed in Story county, and that his record has ever been a most honorable one is indicated in the fact that his stanchest friends are those who have known him from his boyhood to the present time. Few men are more prominent or more widely known in the enterprising city of Nevada, and he is recognized by all as a man of unbending integrity, unabating energy and industry that never flags.
HON. JOSEPH A. Fitchpatrick.
No history of Nevada and Story county would be complete without extended reference to Hon. Joseph A. Fitchpatrick, who is distinctively a man of affairs and one who has wielded a wide influence. He is now closely associated with the public life of the community as a member of the bar, as president of the First National Bank of Nevada and as representative of his district in the state senate. He belongs to one of the old families of this part of Iowa and is a native son of Washington county, Virginia, born October 17, 1840. His parents were William H. and Sarah V. (Hagy) Fitchpatrick, who were also natives of Washington county, born in 1814 and 1815, respectively. A removal to the west was made in 1842, at which time the family home was established in Clinton county, Indiana, where they resided until 1854. In that year they became residents of Boone, Iowa, and in 1857 the family came to Story county, where they made their home for many years. The parents spent their last days in Ames, where the mother died in 1895 and the father in 1897. In their family were eight children of whom five are yet living.
Hon. J. A. Fitchpatrick, the eldest, devoted his time between the work of the farm and the acquirement of an education in the public schools