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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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successful agriculturists and was also engaged in the grain business for several years. At the present time he is living retired in Indianola.

William W. Pope was reared under the parental roof and supplemented his preliminary education by a course of study in Simpson College. Subsequently he spent a year in the State University of Oregon and after returning to Iowa took a course in pharmacy at Highland Park College, being graduated from that institution with the class of 1905. He was then employed as a pharmacist at Des Moines for two years and in 1907 embarked in business on his own account, opening a drug store in Cambridge. During the past four years he has maintained a well equipped establishment of this character, his stock being tastefully arranged, while his honorable business methods and earnest desire to please his patrons have brought to him a gratifying trade.

On the 5th of August, 1908, Mr. Pope was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Schneider, of Fennimore, Wisconsin, by whom he has one child, John William. Mr. Pope gives his political allegiance to the republican party, believing that its principles are most conducive to good government. Fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias, belonging to Cambridge Lodge No. 319, in which he is filling the chair of chancellor commander. His wife is a devoted and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Pope has attained a creditable measure of prosperity for one of his years, occupying a position among the representative and enterprising business men of Story county.

DAVID W. Brown.

In the list of Story county's honored dead is to be found the name of David W. Brown, a highly successful farmer, who passed his entire life in this county and was intimately identified with its development. Born on the home farm July 16, 1866, he was the son of Levi and Louisa (Fancher) Brown, the former of whom was born at Hannibal, Oswego county, New York, and the latter in Tompkins county, New York. The father when seven years of age removed with his parents to Union county, Ohio, and in 1844 came to Lee county, Iowa, subsequently taking up his residence in Fulton county, Illinois. In 1865 he returned to Iowa and located in Story county, where he engaged with marked success in farming until his death, which took place September 6, 1892. He was an energetic man of practical business judgment and became the owner of three hundred and eighty acres of good land in this county.

David W. Brown received his education in the district schools and as he grew up devoted his attention to various duties about the house and farm with an interest which gave bright promise as to his future. At the age of seventeen years he took charge of the home place, which he cultivated on

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