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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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interested in education. She is a lady of unusual intellectual qualifications and received her training at the Granville (Ohio) Female College. Mr. Kennedy is a member of Crescent Camp, No. 1358, M. W. A.; Fervent Lodge, No.. 513, A. F. & A. M.; and of the Order of the Eastern Star, his wife being also a member of the latter organization. He is not identified with any religious denomination, but Mrs. Kennedy is a faithful member of the Presbyterian church. They have many friends in Story county and possess in an unusual degree the confidence and respect of all with whom they come in contact.

LON G. Hardin.

Lon G. Hardin, editor of the Ames Times and well known as a representative of progressive journalism in Iowa, was born in Fairfield, Jefferson county, this state, on the 5th of December, 1861, his parents being Anderson G. and Sarah Jane (McConnell) Hardin, the former a native of Ohio and the latter of Pennsylvania. They came to Iowa in childhood days with their respective parents, were married in this state and now reside in Spencer, Clay county, where the father follows merchandising. Their family numbers four daughters and two sons.

Lon G. Hardin, the third in order of birth, resided at the place of his nativity until 1870, when the family removed to Spencer where he remained until 1884. He acquired his education in the public schools of the two towns and in 1880 began learning the printer's trade which he followed in Spencer until 1884, when he went to Plankinton, South Dakota, where he was employed at his trade for a year. He afterward engaged in the printing business in Webster City, Iowa, until 1892, when in the month of May he came to Ames and here established the Ames Times, which he has since published, being sole owner and manager of the paper which he has made one of the leading country journals of the state. Its editorials are interesting and indicate wide knowledge of the subject under discussion. Much attention is paid to the appearance of the paper, and its tasteful arrangement indicates a thorough understanding of the mechanical side of the art preservative. He well merits the liberal subscription and advertising patronage which is accorded him and which indicates the popularity of the paper in Ames and throughout the surrounding country.

On the 28th of June, 1885, Mr. Hardin was united in marriage to Miss Ella R. Eckley, a native of Keokuk county, Iowa, where she resided until her marriage. They now have one son, Max E., who was born December 22, 1889, and is now a junior in the Iowa State Agricultural College, pursuing a scientific course.

In his political views Mr. Hardin is a stalwart republican and advocate of the principles of the party through the columns of his paper. He

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