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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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consisting of eleven bells manufactured by Taylor Brothers of England and now occupying the beautiful campanile on the campus.

Professor and Mrs. Stanton became the parents of four children. Edwin McDonald, born July 31, 1879, was married February 26, 1908 to Miss Maude McDougall, of Brockville, Canada. He was graduated from the scientific course in Iowa State College in 1898, was for two years a student in Michigan University and was graduated from the medical department of the Pennsylvania State University in 1903. For two years thereafter he was assistant in the Bender Research Laboratory of Albany, New York, and for two and a half years was with Dr. Oxner, of Chicago, He is now junior partner of the firm of McMullen & Stanton, practicing surgeons of Schenectady, New York. Roger Williams, the second son, born February 2, 1882, died on the 30th of May of the same year. Margaret Beaumont, born May 16, 1883, was graduated from the Iowa State College in 1902 and spent the following year in postgraduate work at Bryn Mawr. She afterward devoted two years to postgraduate work in Wisconsin University, winning the Master of Arts degree in 1908. She was awarded a scholarship in the department of history for 1909 and is now instructor of history of the State Preparatory School at Bowlder, Colorado. Edgar Williams Stanton, Jr., the youngest son, born January 19, 1887, was graduated at Ames College in 1907 with the Civil Engineer degree, did postgraduate work at the Wisconsin University in 1909-10 in hydraulic engineering, and now is irrigation engineer at Gridley, California.

Four years after the death of his first wife Professor Stanton was married, on the 21st of December, 1899, to Miss Julia A. Wentch, of Traer, Iowa. She was graduated from the Iowa State College in 1888, was instructor in mathematics in the Beatrice (Neb.) high school from 1889 until 1903, and instructor in mathematics in Iowa State College from 1893 until 1896 and again in 18989. In 18967 she was a postgraduate student in the Chicago University. She is very prominent in the club and social life of the college and city and has been president of the Ames library board from 1905 to the present time. The only child of this marriage is Barbara Stanton, born October 15, 1904.

Professor Stanton has always given his political allegiance to the republican party but has never been an aspirant for office. He belongs to the Congregational church and labors earnestly to promote its growth and extend its influence. At this point it would be almost tautological to enter into any series of statements as showing him to be a man of broad intelligence and genuine public spirit, for these have been shadowed forth between the lines of this review. Strong in his individuality, he never lacks the courage of his convictions but there are as dominating elements in his individuality a lively human sympathy and an abiding charity which, as taken in connection with the sterling integrity and honor of his character, have naturally gained for him the respect and confidence of men. The

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