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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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holder in the Roland Savings Bank and the Roland Creamery. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson now live in Roland, enjoying the comfort and leisure procured by the diligence and economy of their early years. They have many friends by whom they are highly regarded.

Henry Thompson spent his early years in the unvaried routine which characterizes country life. He obtained his education in the district schools of Howard township and remained a member of his father's household. At twenty-two years of age he undertook the supervision of the home farm, which he continues to operate. In addition to the three hundred and sixty acres belonging to his father he has bought one hundred and sixty of his own, so that he now cultivates five hundred and twenty acres. He devotes a great deal of attention to the breeding and raising of shorthorns as well as to the breeding and feeding of hogs.

Mr. Thompson has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Lizzie Erickson, by whom he had two children. Amanda is now the wife of A. J. Severson, Story City, and the mother of two children, Paul and Lillian Josephine. Emma married L. E. Quam and has four children : Lucille, Tessie, Hazel and Leverne. Mrs. Thompson passed away in 1885. For his second helpmate Mr. Thompson chose Sarah Ann Watney and they have become the parents of five children : Paul, a graduate of the Iowa State University ; Elliot ; Cyrus; Milton ; and Ervin.

The family attend the Lutheran church. Ever since he attained his majority Mr. Thompson has cast his ballot for the candidates of the republican party, and he has been honored by election to the office of township trustee. He has met with success in his agricultural pursuits and in addition to his real-estate holdings is a stockholder in the Farmers Savings Bank and the Roland Creamery.


It has been forty-five years since Commodore Perry McQuiston took up his residence on the farm in Collins township on which he now lives. Today he sees beautiful homes and fertile fields yielding abundant harvests where formerly roamed the wolf, the deer or other wild animals of the forest or prairie. Mr. McQuiston has been instrumental in bringing about this wonderful transformation. He was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, March 1, 1829, a son of John and Nancy (Bowers) McQuiston, both natives of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. About 1843 the father removed with his family to La Grange county, Indiana, where he died ten years later.

The subject of this review continued in charge of the home farm until it was sold and in 1855, having previously married, he started with his wife, mother, brothers and sisters and three other families in search of

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