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History of Story County, Iowa Vol 2 by William O. Payne, 1911

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the size of Maxwell. From a humble and obscure position he has worked his way steadily upward to one of large responsibility and prominence, being now widely recognized as a leading business man and influential resident of his native county.

In 1892 Mr. Brown was united in marriage to Miss Cynthia John, of Maxwell, her father being Daniel W. John, a retired agriculturist of Maxwell. Unto our subject and his wife has been born one child, Ava Gladys.

Mr. Brown is a republican in politics, while his religious faith is indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church, to which his wife also belongs. Fraternally he is identified with Herald Lodge, No. 455, A. F. & A. M.; Social Lodge, No. 463, I. O. O. F.; the Knights of Pythias ; and Sylvan Camp, No. 2417, M. W. A., acting as clerk of the last named. He has always resided in Story county and his life has been such that the circle of his friends is almost coextensive with the circle of his acquaintances,


John W. Lutz, who was successfully identified with general agricultural pursuits throughout his entire business career, passed away on his farm in Sherman township on the 31st of October, 1906. His birth occurred in La Salle county, Illinois, on the 31st of October, 1862, his parents being V. G. and Elizabeth (Renz) Lutz, both of whom were natives of Germany. Emigrating to the United States, they were married in the state of Michigan more than fifty years ago. V. G. Lutz, who was a farmer by occupation, died in Illinois in December, 1896. His widow still survives, however, and now makes her home with a daughter in Nebraska.

John W. Lutz attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education and after putting aside his textbooks worked on a farm, thus early becoming familiar with the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. He lived on a farm near Omaha, Nebraska, before coming to this county in the spring of 1899, at which time he took up his abode in Sherman township. In addition to the cultivation of cereals he devoted considerable attention to the breeding of Hereford or white-faced cattle, which branch of his business added materially to his income. He also acted as vice president of the creamery at Zearing and was widely recognized as a substantial and esteemed citizen of the community. His farm of two hundred and sixty-two acres on section 5, Sherman township, is now in possession of his widow and is known as the Fairview Stock Farm.

On the 23d of January, 1889, in La Salle county, Illinois, Mr. Lutz was united in marriage to Miss Emma Gehm, who was born in that county on the 15th of May, 1863, her parents being Nicholas and Margaret (Young) Gehm, who were married in Germany. They crossed the Atlantic to the

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