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Story County, Iowa
1910 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "LARSEN"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Albert LARSEN 10 M Son Iowa None Milford Twp
Albert L LARSEN 8 M Son Iowa None Milford Twp
Andrew LARSEN 20 M Son Iowa Laborer Milford Twp
Ankeny W LARSEN aka LARSON (1905 Cen) 34 M Boarder Iowa Retail Merchant Cambridge Town
Arthur J LARSEN 6 M Son Iowa None Milford Twp
Bertha LARSEN 33 F Wife Norway None Milford Twp
Carrie LARSEN 56 F Head Norway Housekeeper Union Twp
Chas LARSEN 30 M Head Norway Farmer Milford Twp
Christine, Mrs. LARSEN 53 F Head Denmark Farming Milford Twp
Cora J LARSEN 17 F Daughter Iowa Servant Union Twp
Edd LARSEN 28 M Brother Norway Laborer Milford Twp
Ella A LARSEN 18 F Daughter Iowa None Union Twp
Emma A LARSEN 11 F Daughter Iowa None Milford Twp
Hans C LARSEN 32 M Hired Hand Denmark Laborer Milford Twp
Hans H LARSEN 14 M Son Iowa None Milford Twp
Irene Louise LARSEN 1 11/12 F Daughter Iowa None Milford Twp
John LARSEN 20 M Boarder Denmark Farming Milford Twp
Joseph LARSEN 15 M Son Iowa None Union Twp
Laura LARSEN 6/12 F Daughter Iowa None Milford Twp
Marie LARSEN 41 F Wife Denmark None Milford Twp
Rasmus LARSEN 54 M Head Denmark Farming Milford Twp
Selma LARSEN 4 F Daughter Iowa None Milford Twp
Sina M LARSEN 20 F Grandchild Iowa None Union Twp
Sophie LARSEN 17 F Daughter Iowa None Milford Twp
Tunnis A LARSEN 22 M Son Iowa Laborer Union Twp
Walter H LARSEN 14 M Son Iowa None Milford Twp
William M LARSEN aka LARSON (1905 Cen) 32 M Boarder Iowa Clerk Cambridge Town
Willie LARSEN 18 M Son Iowa Working Milford Twp

Copyright ©2018–2025 Mark Christian

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