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Story County, Iowa
1910 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "KELLEY"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Albert KELLEY 40 M Head Iowa Farmer Washinton Twp
Alice KELLEY 38 F Wife Iowa None Washinton Twp
Birdella KELLEY 11 F Daughter Iowa None Ames City
Edith KELLEY 12 F Daughter Iowa None Ames City
Ethel KELLEY 6 F Daughter Iowa None Ames City
Floyd KELLEY 2 M Son Iowa Washinton Twp
Fred J KELLEY 31 M Head Iowa Janitor Washington Twp
George W KELLEY 75 M Head Indiana Own income Ames City
Henrietta KELLEY 68 F Wife Indiana None Ames City
Henry B KELLEY 32 M Head Iowa Laborer Ames City
Isaac KELLEY 55 M Head Iowa Laborer Ames City
James B KELLEY 20 M Son Iowa None Ames City
Jessie May KELLEY 25 F Daughter Iowa Assistant Ames City
L Manley KELLEY 49 M Head Pennsylvania Carpenter Ames City
Lida KELLEY 15 F Daughter Iowa Laundress Ames City
Lillias M KELLEY 49 F Wife Scotland None Ames City
Mallissa KELLEY 46 F Wife Iowa None Ames City
Manley A R KELLEY 22 M Son Iowa None Ames City
Margaret L KELLEY 32 F Wife Iowa Seamstress Ames City
Mary J KELLEY 26 F Wife Iowa None Washington Twp
Ralph KELLEY 7 M Son Iowa Washinton Twp
Ronald A KELLEY 1 M Son Iowa Washington Twp
Rush KELLEY 11 F Daughter Iowa None Washinton Twp

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