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Story County, Iowa
1910 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "KALSEM"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Agnes M KALSEM 1 8/12 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Albert KALSEM 37 M Son Iowa Farmer Ames City
Alma J KALSEM 8 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Anna KALSEM 34 F Wife Iowa None Palestine Twp
Carrie KALSEM 40 F Wife Iowa None Palestine Twp
Catherine KALSEM 14 F Daughter South Dakota None Cambridge Town
Cora KALSEM 35 F Daughter Iowa Seamstress Ames City
Ellen KALSEM 13 F Daughter Iowa None Washinton Twp
Faltin P KALSEM 44 M Boarder Norway Agent Huxley Town
Jevensa C KALSEM 3 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
John F KALSEM 32 M Son Iowa Own income Huxley Town
John P KALSEM 19 M Hired man Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
John V KALSEM 70 M Head Norway Own income Huxley Town
Joseph N KALSEM 4 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Julia KALSEM 45 F Wife Iowa None Washinton Twp
Mabel V KALSEM 14 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Madelia F KALSEM 11 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Martha KALSEM 74 F Wife Norway None Huxley Town
Martha C KALSEM 12 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Millie E KALSEM 13 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
Ole J KALSEM 40 M Head Iowa Farmer Palestine Twp
Ole P KALSEM 53 M Head Norway Farmer Washinton Twp
Orville N KALSEM 2 M Son Iowa None Palestine Twp
Phillip S KALSEM 40 M Son Iowa Farmer Ames City
Porter KALSEM 15 M Son Iowa Farmer Washinton Twp
Serena KALSEM 73 F Wife Norway None Ames City
Severt J KALSEM 43 M Head Iowa Farmer Palestine Twp
Soren V KALSEM 73 M Head Norway Own Income Ames City
Stewart KALSEM 12 M Son Iowa None Cambridge Town
Taylor KALSEM 10 M Son Iowa None Washinton Twp

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