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Story County, Iowa
1910 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "HOFFMAN"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Arthur H HOFFMAN 35 M Lodger Iowa Prof of Physics Ames City
Bessie O HOFFMAN 7 F Daughter Iowa None Ames City
Blanch M HOFFMAN 16 F Daughter Iowa None Indian Creek Twp
Blanche HOFFMAN 24 F Wife South Dakota Waitress Ames City
Cleo C HOFFMAN 25 F Wife Kansas None Ames City
Dorothy M HOFFMAN 2 F Daughter North Dakota None Ames City
Eva P HOFFMAN 9 F Daughter Iowa None Ames City
Fred E HOFFMAN 27 M Head Illinois Farming Milford Twp
George HOFFMAN 32 M Head Wisconsin Restaurant Keeper Ames City
Glenn HOFFMAN 2 M Son Iowa Washinton Twp
Gordon R HOFFMAN 5 M Son Iowa None Ames City
Henry HOFFMAN 25 M Head Iowa Retail Merchant Maxwell Town
Ida L HOFFMAN 44 F Wife Iowa None Indian Creek Twp
John M HOFFMAN 1 5/12 M Son Iowa None Maxwell Town
John W HOFFMAN 41 M Son Illinois Farmer Grant Twp
John W HOFFMAN 51 M Head Iowa Farmer Indian Creek Twp
Lee F HOFFMAN 29 M Head Iowa Farmer Washinton Twp
Lena H HOFFMAN 24 F Wife Iowa None Maxwell Town
Mabel HOFFMAN 24 F Wife Iowa None Washinton Twp
Margaret HOFFMAN 29 F Wife Iowa Milford Twp
Margaret HOFFMAN 3 F Daughter Iowa Washinton Twp
Melissa HOFFMAN 30 F Wife Iowa None Gilbert Town
Orrie B HOFFMAN 30 M Head Iowa Engineer Ames City
Percilla J HOFFMAN 63 F Head Illinois Own Income Grant Twp
Robert M HOFFMAN 27 M Head Iowa Farmer Palestine Twp
Roy S HOFFMAN 19 M Son Iowa None Indian Creek Twp
Velma L HOFFMAN 1 7/12 F Daughter Iowa None Palestine Twp
William L HOFFMAN 30 M Head Iowa Doctor Gilbert Town
Zypha J HOFFMAN 28 F Wife Indiana None Palestine Twp

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