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Story County, Iowa
1910 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "CAMERON"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Trade Township or Town
Aberham L CAMERON 40 M Head Iowa Engineer Washington Twp
Ada A CAMERON 15 F Daughter Iowa None Ames City
Amenda CAMERON 83 F Head Tennessee None Franklin Twp
Anna CAMERON 43 F Wife Denmarkmark None Ames City
Anna CAMERON 36 F Daughter Iowa None Franklin Twp
Celia CAMERON 28 F Daughter Illinois Sewing Zearing Town
Clay CAMERON 21 M Son Iowa None Washington Twp
Effie CAMERON 31 F Wife Iowa None Franklin Twp
Emma E CAMERON 67 F Head Wisconsin None Ames City
Estes CAMERON 5 M Grandson Iowa Zearing Town
Esther CAMERON 51 F Wife Scotland Keeper Ames City
Everet CAMERON 16 M Son Iowa None Washington Twp
Forest D CAMERON 20 M Son Iowa Fireman Ames City
Frank CAMERON 43 M Head Indiana Bricklayer Ames City
George K CAMERON 35 M Head Indiana Farmer Franklin Twp
George K CAMERON 81 M Father-in-law Indiana Own Income Ames City
Henry C CAMERON 20 M Head Iowa Farmer Franklin Twp
Hurst M CAMERON 25 M Boarder Iowa None Ames City
Iris CAMERON 12 F Daughter Iowa None Franklin Twp
James W CAMERON 53 M Head England (Scotch) Instructor Ames City
Lucinda CAMERON 39 F Wife Indiana None Washington Twp
Perry CAMERON 34 M Hired man Farmer Lincoln Twp
Sidney CAMERON 5 M Grandson Iowa Zearing Town
Sophia CAMERON 17 F Waiter Iowa Waiter Ames City
Vera CAMERON 18 F Daughter Iowa None Washington Twp
William D CAMERON 21 M Son Iowa None Ames City

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