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Story County, Iowa
1905 State Census Register

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "SISKER"
(Click on the “Button” button in the left column to display the record with others in the order collected. This will help with the identification of families.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Post Office Township/Town Card No.
Andrew SISKER Cambridge Union Township 242
Arthur SISKER Cambridge Union Township 271
Bernace SISKER Cambridge Union Township 270
Carl SISKER Cambridge Union Township 238
Elmer SISKER Cambridge Union Township 310
Hanna SISKER Cambridge Union Township 308
Ida SISKER Cambridge Union Township 266
Jacob SISKER Cambridge Union Township 305
Johanna SISKER Cambridge Union Township 265
John SISKER Cambridge Union Township 309
John S. V. SISKER Cambridge Union Township 311
Jonis SISKER Cambridge Union Township 307
Julia SISKER Cambridge Union Township 267
Julia SISKER Cambridge Union Township 241
Lena SISKER Cambridge Union Township 239
Lenard SISKER Cambridge Union Township 269
Maxine SISKER Cambridge Union Township 306
Neals SISKER Cambridge Union Township 272
Nels SISKER Cambridge Union Township 264
Olive SISKER Cambridge Union Township 268
Oskar SISKER Cambridge Union Township 240

Copyright ©2012–2025 Mark Christian

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