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Story County, Iowa
1905 State Census Register

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "SAMPSON"
(Click on the “Button” button in the left column to display the record with others in the order collected. This will help with the identification of families.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Post Office Township/Town Card No.
Alice SAMPSON Roland Roland Town 427
Ame SAMPSON Nevada Milford Twp 63
Amma SAMPSON Roland Milford Twp 54
Angline SAMPSON Nevada Milford Twp 62
Askel SAMPSON Roland Roland Town 426
Bertha A. SAMPSON Roland Richland Township 513
Carel SAMPSON Huxley Palestine Township 253
Carl J. SAMPSON McCallsburg McCallsburg 21
Christian SAMPSON Story City Story City Book B 314
Christina SAMPSON McCallsburg McCallsburg 22
Edward SAMPSON Roland Milford Twp 52
Glendora SAMPSON Huxley Palestine Township 255
Herman SAMPSON McCallsburg McCallsburg 20
Iseball SAMPSON Huxley Palestine Township 252
Iven J. SAMPSON Nevada Milford Twp 61
Iver SAMPSON Roland Milford Twp 50
Iver J. SAMPSON Roland Milford Twp 53
Iver, Mrs. SAMPSON Roland Milford Twp 51
John W. SAMPSON Cambridge Cambridge 155
Laura SAMPSON Huxley Palestine Township 251
Lena SAMPSON Story City Story City Book B 315
M. O. SAMPSON Huxley Huxley 19
May Etta SAMPSON Cambridge Cambridge 156
O. I. SAMPSON Roland Richland Township 511
Paul C. SAMPSON Kelley Palestine Township 624
Paul C. SAMPSON Kelley Palestine Township 623
Regena SAMPSON McCallsburg McCallsburg 18
S. I. SAMPSON Roland Richland Township 512
Sady SAMPSON Roland Milford Twp 55
Sam SAMPSON McCallsburg McCallsburg 17
Sam T. SAMPSON McCallsburg McCallsburg 19
Severt SAMPSON Huxley Palestine Township 250
Shaddon SAMPSON Huxley Palestine Township 254
Stella I. SAMPSON Roland Richland Township 514
Tale SAMPSON Kelley Palestine Township 625
Tom SAMPSON Nevada Milford Twp 59
Tom, Mrs. SAMPSON Nevada Milford Twp 60

Copyright ©2012–2025 Mark Christian

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