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Story County, Iowa
1905 State Census Register

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "HALVORSON"
(Click on the “Button” button in the left column to display the record with others in the order collected. This will help with the identification of families.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Post Office Township/Town Card No.
Anna HALVORSON Cambridge Palestine Township 203
Anna O. HALVORSON Cambridge Palestine Township 205
B. E. HALVORSON Slater Palestine Township 295
Burton HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 832
Christ HALVORSON Roland Roland Town 650
Clara HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 828
Ella HALVORSON Slater Palestine Township 300
Enes HALVORSON Cambridge Palestine Township 204
H. E. HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 825
Hellen HALVORSON Slater Palestine Township 296
Henryette HALVORSON Roland Roland Town 651
Isadore HALVORSON Roland Roland Town 652
Isebel HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 826
Jennie HALVORSON Slater Palestine Township 298
Julia HALVORSON Cambridge Palestine Township 206
Lester HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 830
Martha HALVORSON Slater Palestine Township 299
Ole HALVORSON Cambridge Palestine Township 202
Ranveg HALVORSON Slater Palestine Township 297
Roy HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 827
Ruth HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 831
Ruth HALVORSON Slater Palestine Township 301
Terssa HALVORSON Kelley Palestine Township 829

Copyright ©2012–2025 Mark Christian

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