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Story County, Iowa
1905 State Census Register

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "HALL"
(Click on the “Button” button in the left column to display the record with others in the order collected. This will help with the identification of families.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Post Office Township/Town Card No.
Addie HALL Colo Colo 116
Albert L. HALL Ames Washington Township 508
Allan Francis HALL Nevada Milford Twp 73
Ame Olina HALL Nevada Milford Twp 72
Angeline HALL Cambridge Cambridge 537
Anna HALL Nevada Nevada Town 2nd Ward 341
Arther L. HALL Ames Washington Township 534
Bertha A. HALL Maxwell Collins Twp 84
Bessie A. HALL Ames Washington Township 538
Blanche O. HALL Collins Collins Twp 131
Charles HALL Colo Colo 115
Christ HALL Nevada Milford Twp 69
Christ, Mrs. HALL Nevada Milford Twp 70
Clara L. HALL Collins Collins Twp 130
Clyde D. HALL Collins Collins Twp 132
Edith K. HALL Ames Washington Township 536
Edna P. HALL Nevada Nevada Town 2nd Ward 290
Ella J. HALL Ames Washington Township 537
Emily A. HALL Gilbert Station Gilbert Town 137
Ethel HALL Nevada Nevada Town 2nd Ward 291
Ethel J. HALL Ames Washington Township 509
Etta G. HALL Collins Collins Town 551
Frank L. HALL Collins Collins Twp 129
Frank S. HALL Ames Washington Township 533
Geo W. HALL Nevada Nevada Town 2nd Ward 289
Gertrude E. HALL Ontario Franklin Twp 304
H. T. HALL Douglas St Ames Ward 1 128
Herman W. HALL Ames Washington Township 511
I.A. HALL Gilbert Station Gilbert Town 136
J.H. HALL Maxwell Maxwell Town 4
J.T. HALL Collins Collins Town 377
James L. HALL Ontario Washington Township 697
James W. HALL Collins Collins Town 379
Jas M. HALL Collins Collins Town 549
Jennie M. HALL Collins Collins Town 553
Jesse Alroy HALL Nevada Milford Twp 71
Jessie L. HALL Ames Washington Township 510
John HALL Ontario Washington Township 699
John R. HALL Maxwell Maxwell Town 271
L.M. HALL Collins Collins Town 552
L.W. HALL Maxwell Collins Twp 83
Leon C. HALL Maxwell Collins Twp 85
Lloyd A. HALL Cambridge Cambridge 538
Louis E. HALL Ames Washington Township 531
Lulu G. HALL Collins Collins Town 378
Mable HALL Ames Washington Township 513
Margret HALL Ontario Washington Township 698
Margret HALL Maxwell Maxwell Town 219
Mary Ann HALL Nevada Nevada Town 2nd Ward 379
Mary E. HALL Ames Washington Township 530
Mary J. HALL Collins Collins Town 550
Mellie HALL Maxwell Maxwell Town 220
Minnie HALL Cambridge Cambridge 539
Myrtle HALL Ames Washington Township 514
N.P. HALL Maxwell Maxwell Town 218
P.O. HALL Roland Milford Twp 236
Phyllis C. HALL Ames Washington Township 512
Raymond N. HALL Ontario Franklin Twp 305
Robert J. HALL Ontario Franklin Twp 303
Ruth HALL Ames Washington Township 515
Sarah J. HALL Maxwell Maxwell Town 272
Sumner E. HALL Ames Washington Township 529
Violet B. HALL Ames Washington Township 516
walter C. HALL Ames Washington Township 535
William C. HALL Cambridge Cambridge 536
William E. HALL Ames Washington Township 532
Willis A. HALL Collins Collins Twp 133
Wm HALL Nevada Nevada Town 2nd Ward 340

Copyright ©2012–2025 Mark Christian

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