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Story County, Iowa
1905 State Census Register

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "CHRISTAN"
(Click on the “Button” button in the left column to display the record with others in the order collected. This will help with the identification of families.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Post Office Township/Town Card No.
Agnes CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 77
Albert CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 120
Amy CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 79
Anna CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 121
Cass CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 74
Cass, Mrs. CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 75
Chester CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 82
Hazel CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 81
Hubert CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 80
Janey CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 122
Josie CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 76
Olaf CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 123
Ole CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 118
Ole, Mrs. CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 119
Orville CHRISTAN Roland Milford Twp 78

Copyright ©2012–2025 Mark Christian

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