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Story County, Iowa
1900 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "FRENCH"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Occupation Township or Town
Anna J FRENCH 27 F Wife Iowa Richland Twp
Baby FRENCH 2/12 M Son Iowa Richland Twp
Bill FRENCH 55 F Wife Canada Eng Ames
Charles B FRENCH 26 M Son Iowa Pharmacist Maxwell Town
Charles E FRENCH 25 M Head Nebraska Farmer Richland Twp
Charles F FRENCH 5/12 M Son Iowa Maxwell Town
Clark C FRENCH 46 M Head Iowa Farmer Richland Twp
Claude FRENCH 18 M Servant Iowa Farm laborer Richland Twp
Earl FRENCH 8 M Son Iowa At school Richland Twp
Earnest G FRENCH 29 M Son-in-law Iowa Farmer Grant Twp
Ellen FRENCH 69 F Head Vermont Maxwell Town
Elvy M FRENCH 40 F Wife Illinois Richland Twp
Fannie FRENCH 27 F Wife Iowa Franklin Twp
Fidel FRENCH 45 F Wife Michigan Colo Town
Freddie FRENCH 10 M Son Iowa At school Colo Town
George FRENCH 32 M Boarder Iowa Engineer Union Twp
Guy B FRENCH 16 M Servant Minnesota Farm laborer Richland Twp
H Edna FRENCH 28 F Daughter Iowa Grant Twp
Hugh B FRENCH 14 M Son Iowa Farm laborer Richland Twp
Isaac FRENCH 45 M Head Michigan Day laborer Colo Town
Jennie FRENCH 22 F Daughter Iowa Colo Town
John L FRENCH 5 M Son Iowa Maxwell Town
John O FRENCH 32 M Head Wisconsin Lumber dealer Maxwell Town
Lee H FRENCH 10 M Son Iowa Farm laborer Richland Twp
Leo FRENCH 16 M Son Iowa Day laborer Colo Town
Lucy M FRENCH 14 F Daughter Iowa Servant Richland Twp
M J FRENCH 18 M Servant Nebraska Farm laborer Richland Twp
Martin M FRENCH 63 M Head New York Bookkeeper Ames
Mina B FRENCH 30 F Wife Iowa Maxwell Town
Ralph FRENCH 19 M Son Iowa Day laborer Colo Town
Rebeca FRENCH 69 F Head Indiana Retired old lady Nevada Town
Roy FRENCH 6 M Son Iowa At school Richland Twp
Sarah A FRENCH 59 F Mother-in-law Ohio Richland Twp
Scott FRENCH 38 M Head Iowa Farmer Franklin Twp
Sylia F FRENCH 2 F Daughter Iowa Richland Twp
Tenna FRENCH 42 F Daughter Iowa Seamstress Nevada Town
Vernie FRENCH 0/12 F Daughter Iowa Richland Twp

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