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Story County, Iowa
1900 Federal Census

Story Co. Home Page
Results for Names Matching "EARSLAND"
(Results Shown Are An Abstract of The Record. Click on the “Button” button in left column to display the census page containing all information for the adjacent name.)
Results from search on Census Surname
Name Age Sex Relationship Birth Place Occupation Township or Town
Anna EARSLAND 11 F Daughter Iowa At school Palestine Twp
Becca EARSLAND 8 F Daughter Iowa At school Palestine Twp
Benjamin EARSLAND 14 M Son Iowa At school Palestine Twp
Bertha EARSLAND 76 F Mother Norway Palestine Twp
Bertha EARSLAND 18 F Daughter Iowa Palestine Twp
Bertha M EARSLAND 16 F Servant Iowa At school Slater Town
Carl EARSLAND 28 M Head Iowa Drygoods salesman Slater Town
Carrie EARSLAND aka ERSLAND (1895 Cen) 27 F Lodger Iowa Drygoods sales lady Nevada Town
Christ EARSLAND 45 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Hanna EARSLAND 39 F Wife Norway Palestine Twp
Henry EARSLAND 48 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
Jacob EARSLAND 13 M Son Iowa At school Palestine Twp
Jacob EARSLAND 51 M Head Norway Farmer Palestine Twp
John A EARSLAND 15 M Son Iowa At school Palestine Twp
Julia EARSLAND 40 F Wife Iowa Palestine Twp
Knute EARSLAND 18 M Son Iowa Farm laborer Palestine Twp
Mable EARSLAND 11 F Daughter Iowa At school Palestine Twp
Mattie J EARSLAND 6 F Daughter Iowa At school Palestine Twp
Olive EARSLAND 7/12 F Daughter Iowa Palestine Twp
Randy EARSLAND 41 F Sister Norway Palestine Twp
Ruth EARSLAND 3 F Daughter Iowa Palestine Twp

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