Search Again 1898 Story County Directory Story Co. Home Page

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Name Occupation/
Acres Dist Township/
Post Office
J.N. SANFORD -- Ames Town Ames
J.N. SOWLER Tailor Ames Town Ames
O.P. SIMMONS Horse Buyer Ames Town Ames
E.E. SOWERS -- Ames Town Ames
G.W. SOWERS -- Ames Town Ames
Dell SOWERS -- Ames Town Ames
W.L. SUTTON -- Ames Town Ames
P.R. SHUGART -- Ames Town Ames
J.H. SWAN -- Ames Town Ames
G. SWAN -- Ames Town Ames
SWANK & WHITE Hardware Ames Town Ames
E.J. SMITH -- Ames Town Ames
J.A. SHOCKLEY -- Ames Town Ames
W.E. SEXTON -- Ames Town Ames
F.P. SEXTON -- Ames Town Ames
W.R. SCOTT Milliner Ames Town Ames
T.A. STOOPS -- Ames Town Ames
W.H. SWANK -- Ames Town Ames
W.B. SISSION -- Ames Town Ames
L.L. ST. JOHN -- Ames Town Ames
W.R. SCOTT Dray and Transfer Ames Town Ames
Ira ST. JOHN -- Ames Town Ames
D.L. SMITH -- Ames Town Ames
M.J. SPOHN Paper Hanger Ames Town Ames
J.W. SMITH -- Ames Town Ames
E.D. STOOPS -- Ames Town Ames
Joseph SEDLECK -- Ames Town Ames
G.T. STEBBINS -- Ames Town Ames
A.D. SHOCKLEY -- Ames Town Ames
SPRING & SON Feed and Coal Ames Town Ames
U.S. SPRING -- Ames Town Ames
C.O. SHEPPARD -- Ames Town Ames
S.C. STRATTON -- Ames Town Ames
W.M. STOOPS -- Ames Town Ames
A.A. SEYMOUR -- Ames Town Ames
Dan STILWELL -- Ames Town Ames
R. SIMMONS -- Ames Town Ames
Frank STULTS -- Ames Town Ames
H.E. STATTERY Pastor U.B. Church Ames Town Ames
J.S. SIES -- Ames Town Ames
C.H. SIES -- Ames Town Ames
C.E. SARGENT -- Ames Town Ames
L.W. SCHULTZHAUSER -- Ames Town Ames
F.P. SMITH -- Ames Town Ames
E.W. STANTON -- Ames Town Ames
Walter SIMMONS -- Ames Town Ames
G.F. SIMMONS Veterinary Ames Town Ames
W.H. SMITH -- Ames Town Ames
C.W. SCHEMERHORN -- Ames Town Ames
L.L. STEBBINS -- Ames Town Ames
M. STALKER -- Ames Town Ames
Parley SHELDON Postmaster Ames Town Ames
A.H. THAYER Insurance Agent Ames Town Ames
H.M. TEMPLETON Physician Ames Town Ames
J.L. TAYLOR -- Ames Town Ames
W.L. TAYLOR -- Ames Town Ames
Eugene TAYLOR -- Ames Town Ames
C.E. TAYLOR -- Ames Town Ames
W. THOMPSON -- Ames Town Ames
W.W. TALBOTT Bakery Ames Town Ames
C.C. TALLMAN -- Ames Town Ames
L.C. TILDEN Merchant Ames Town Ames
J.G. TILDEN Merchant Ames Town Ames
G.J. TILDEN Merchant Ames Town Ames
W.H. THURSTON Hardware Ames Town Ames
L. TILLITSON -- Ames Town Ames
R.N. TAYLOR -- Ames Town Ames
W. TREMBLY -- Ames Town Ames
Thos. THOMPSON Carpenter Ames Town Ames
W.I. TAYLOR -- Ames Town Ames
H.C. THOMPSON -- Ames Town Ames
Rev. THOMAS Pastor M.E. Church Ames Town Ames
G.A. UNDERWOOD Attorney Ames Town Ames
M.C. UFFORD -- Ames Town Ames
L.C. VAN DYKE -- Ames Town Ames
James VAN SCOY -- Ames Town Ames
H.B. VAN SCOY -- Ames Town Ames
Ira VAILES -- Ames Town Ames
E.A., Mrs. VAN SCOY -- Ames Town Ames
G.R. VERNAN -- Ames Town Ames
Jacob A. WHITE -- Ames Town Ames
A.L. WHITE -- Ames Town Ames
M.A., Mrs. WINTERS -- Ames Town Ames
Geo. WHITE -- Ames Town Ames
B.F. WHITE -- Ames Town Ames
E.C. WILKINSON -- Ames Town Ames
W.G. WRIGHT -- Ames Town Ames
L.E., Mrs. WHALEN -- Ames Town Ames
J.H. WILLIAMS Attorney Ames Town Ames
A.W. WALKEY -- Ames Town Ames
Henry WESTERMAN Real Estate Ames Town Ames
L., Miss WAKEFIELD -- Ames Town Ames
A.A. WHITMYER -- Ames Town Ames
O.E., Mrs. WILSON -- Ames Town Ames
E.E. WAITE -- Ames Town Ames
Fred WORTH -- Ames Town Ames
I.R. WAITE -- Ames Town Ames
C.A. WINTER -- Ames Town Ames
Ed WHALEN -- Ames Town Ames
Sam WATT -- Ames Town Ames
J.H. Jr. WYNN Lawyer Ames Town Ames
J.H. Sr. WYNN -- Ames Town Ames
J.A. WILSON -- Ames Town Ames
E.E. WINTER -- Ames Town Ames

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