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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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around. He was in active practice here for twenty years. He was married in Wisconsin on the 28th of February, 1852, to Miss Annette Fenn, a native of York State, born and reared in Delaware County, and a lady of superior attainments. She was the daughter of E. B. and H. A. (Goodrich) Fenn. To the Doctor and Mrs. Sheldon have been born two children: Dwight D., and Carrie A. (wife of E. W. Gifford, of Nevada, Iowa). Dr. Sheldon has accumulated a competence in the practice of medicine, and is the owner of about 400 acres of good land near Iowa Centre. He is also the owner of a good residence, and other property in the village.

Dwight D. Sheldon, farmer and stock-raiser, Iowa Centre, Iowa. Among the younger agriculturists of Indian Creek Township who are in the front ranks as progressive and indus trious farmers and stock-men, we can not fail to mention Dwight D. Sheldon, who, in the management of everything connected with his farm, displays excellent judgment and thoroughness, qualities which can not fail of success. Mr. Sheldon owes his nativity to Knoxville, Marion County, Iowa, where his birth occurred on March 18, 1855, and is the son of Dr. Mark D. and Eveline Annette (Fenn) Sheldon, natives of New York. D. D. Sheldon came to Story County with his parents when an infant, grew to manhood in Iowa Centre, and there received a thorough education in the Centre High School, completing at the Iowa State Agricultural College at Ames. Returning to Iowa Centre, he engaged in agricultural pursuits, and this has continued with unusual success ever since. He was married at Eddyville, Iowa, on December 25, 1877, to Miss Henrietta A. Fish, a native of Iowa, who took a complete course at the Agricultural College, and in the same class with her husband. She is the daughter of John M. and Mary A. Fish. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon are the parents of two interesting children, Dwight D. and Willie Milton. In his political preferences Mr. Sheldon is a Democrat, though no political aspirant, and earnestly supports the measures of that party. He and Mrs. Sheldon are members of the Evangelical Church, and he is class-leader and steward in his local church. He is a Master Mason and is also a member of the Good Templar lodge. He taught school for a number of terms in Story County, and was unusually successful as an educator.

Erick R. Shildall was born in Norway, December 28, 1832. His parents, Rasmass and Isabella Shildall were natives of that country, emigrating to the broad and hospitable American shores in 1847, and settling in Grundy County, Ill., afterward moving to Story County, where the father still lives. The mother departed from this life in the year 1878. The subject of this sketch passed his youth in Grundy and Kendall Counties, and is the only son in a family of four children. A victim to the fascinations of Miss Betsy Ness, a Norwegian beauty, who emigrated to the States in 1849, with her father, Ole Ness, Mr. Shildall was united in marriage with that lady in the month of October, 1855. Soon after their marriage they moved to Iowa, settling in Story County, and buying the property where he now lives. He is one of the most prosperous farmers in the district, has served as school trustee, and held other local offices at different periods of his life. Mr. and Mrs. Shildall are the parents of eleven children, all of whom are at present living: Eribel (wife of Mr. Severson), Olive (wife of Samuel Twede), Caroline (wife of Jake Burrison), Roswell, Henry, Oscar, Martha, Isabella, Anna, Emma and Lewis. The family are faithful and devout Christians, belonging to the Lutheran Church.

Rothmer J. Silliman is president of the

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