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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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ston's father and mother were born in Pennsylvania and Virginia, and died at the ages of seventy-seven and forty years, respectively, the former being a farmer by occupation: The following are the names of their children: Sarah (who is residing in Linn County, Iowa, is the widow of Thomas Wilson, a native of Ohio, and a farmer by occupation), Aaron (who was a farmer and a widower at the time of his demise, which occurred near the close of the late war), Isabelle (who is the wife of Robert Evans, a meat merchant, residing in Belmont County, Ohio), I. (who also resides in Belmont County, Ohio), Michael D. (the subject of this sketch) and Hezekiah (who resides in Cedar Rapids, Iowa).

William Lockridge, lumber dealer and manufacturer of drainage tile at Nevada, Iowa, was born in Augusta County, Va., June 23, 1832, being a son of John and Eliza (Ervin) Lock-ridge, also natives of that State. The father was a soldier in the War of 1812, and died in Augusta County, Va., the mother also passing from life there in 1841, at about the age of forty-two years. William Lockridge was the sixth of seven children born to them, three now living, and his youth was spent on a farm in his native State, where he also received a fair knowledge of books in the common schools near his home. At the age of twenty-four years he emigrated westward and reached Nevada, Story County, Iowa, on May 16, 1856, having come here from Des Moines by ox team, which was then the means of conveying the mails thither. In July, 1856, he entered the office of J. C. Moss, who was then county treasurer and recorder, but upon the latter's resignation in 1857, he was appointed to fill the vacancy by Judge E. C. Evans, and was elected to the position in August of that year. He served in a very efficient manner until 1860, and from that time until 1870 he was engaged in farming on a quarter section of land about one mile southeast of where the present courthouse now stands, a tract of land which was given him by his father in 1855. This farm he sold in 1870 for $5,600. The first year he farmed with a yoke of oxen. After his removal to Nevada he engaged in the lumber business in partnership with C. B. Letson, but one year later bought out his partner, and has since conducted the business alone, and is now the oldest lumber merchant in the town. In 1883, in partnership with John Beatty, he began the manufacture of tile, but at the end of four years became sole proprietor, it being the second tile factory established in Story County. It gives employment to about twelve men, and has a capacity of 500,000 per annum. Mr. Lockridge has been a Democrat all his life, and has served as mayor of Nevada for three successive terms, and has been a member of the town council for many years. He is a man who is highly esteemed by all who know him, and since locating here he has taken an active interest in all matters pertaining to the public weal, and has been one of the directors of the First National Bank since its organization. Socially he belongs to the Masonic, I. O. O. F. and A. O. U. W. fraternities. January 19, 1860, he was married to Miss Lydia A. Letson, who was born in Hardin County, Ohio, January 15, 1841, and by her is the father of eight children: Elfa, Jennie, Etta, Lovie, Maggie (born September 23, 1870, and died December 31, 1873), Clarence and Anna Fay. Frank L., a son, was born on March 21, 1867, and died of heart disease November 6, 1888. He was an intelligent and promising young man, and a graduate of the Nevada High School. Mr. Lockridge has helped to make Nevada and Story County what they are, and he is counted, wherever known, as a man of sterling qualities and a true gentleman.

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