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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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tile district, and Mr. Jory's farm is one of the best in the vicinity, being 160 acres of prairie and twelve acres of timber in Centre Grove. His buildings are all commodious and in excellent repair. Mr. Jory's father, Thomas Jory, was born in Cornwell, England, and died in Story County, Iowa, aged sixty-nine years. Jane Elliott, his mother, was born at Toronto, Canada, and died in Boone County, Ill., aged sixty-five years. The following are the children born to their union: Elizabeth (the wife of Reuben Sherman, a dairyman of Leadville, Colo. ), Henry ( who married Miss FannieWares, is a mason by occupation and lives at Beloit, Wis.), John (the subject of this sketch is next in order of birth), Mary (wife of J. B. Markle, of Littleton, Colo., who is a farmer), James (married to Miss Elizabeth Hammond, and is a mason by trade, living at Belvidere, Ill. ), and Jennie (wife of William W. Chapman, of Littleton, Colo., a farmer and stock-raiser).

John J. Kegley, farmer and stock-raiser, Ames, Story County, Iowa. Perhaps no name in the county is better known than that of the subject of this sketch, who is numbered among the highly-respected citizens of this community. He was born in the Buckeye State, August 31, 1845, and when but six years of age emigrated, with his parents, to Iowa, where he has made his home most of the time since. His father, John H. Kegley, is a native of Pennsylvania, born September 10, 1819, and the mother, whose maiden name was Sarah J. Jennings, was also a native of that State, and born June 17, 1826. John J. Kegley is the oldest in a family of nine children, all of whom grew to maturity, are still alive, and qualified by their own efforts and hard labor to fill almost any position. They are named as follows: Thomas J., Frank T., Eugene A., Cary B., Charles H., Samuel M., Lizzie M. and Lillie Ann. Eugene A. is a graduate of the Chicago Medical College, has also attended other medical colleges, has been to Europe to take a special course, and is to-day one of the recognized specialists of the State. He is located in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Cary B. is traveling for Mason Bros., wholesale notions and woolen goods, and also represents a wholesale firm in New York City. Charles H. is an attorney and real-estate dealer, of Hoquiam, Wash. The sisters, Lizzie M. and Lillie Ann, are located with Charles in Hoquiam, Wash. John J. Kegley received a good practical education in the coin mon schools of Story County, but not contented with that, spent all his leisure hours prosecuting his studies at home, until he had fitted himself for a teacher. He then commenced teaching, and continued at this in Story and Boone Counties for two years, at which time he wisely chose for his life-companion Miss Julia E. Hinchey, daughter of William and Lucy A. (Davis) Hinchey, natives of New York, and five children were born to this union: Jennie, Clara, Frank, Genevieve and Howard. Miss Jennie has fitted herself for teaching, by attending the high schools of Sioux Rapids and Ames, Iowa. Mr. Kegley owns one-half section of land in Dakota, one-fourth section in Central Kansas and 1,000 acres in Kentucky. He is a Democrat in politics and a strong Prohibitionist. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian Church. He has been identified with the best interests of the county since his residence here, and his intelligence, enterprise and many estimable qualities have acquired for him a popularity not derived from any factitious circumstance, but a spontaneous and permanent tribute to his merit. The Kegleys are of German extraction, and the ancestors were among those who at an early day sought America as their home.

Hon. George Albert Kellogg's name appears

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