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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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resides on the old homestead in Illinois. Mr. Johnson first attended the graded schools of Leland, Ill., and later took a three years' course at the Northwestern University at Evanston, Ill., which has fitted him admirably for the practical business of life. Although reared to the duties of the farm, when twenty-five years of age he engaged in merchandising, and this has continued up to the present. He married Miss Linnie Anderson, a native of Illinois, on May 28, 1885, and one little daughter, Eda Linnona, is the result of this union. Mr. Johnson has been identified with the Republican party, and cast his first presidential vote for R. B. Hayes. He has ever been active in local politics, and advocates men of principle, honor and integrity, rather than being a strict partisan. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are worthy members of the Methodist Episcopal Church at Cambridge, Iowa, and he is at present Sunday-school. superintendent. He has been a member of the church for about twelve years, and is an exemplary Christian worker. About ten years of Mr. Johnson's life have been passed as Sunday-school superintendent, and the school under his charge is prospering finely. He is the third of seven children—five sons and two daughters: John (died in 1866, at the age of eleven years), Elsie (died in 1873, when about twenty-two years of age, and was married to S. A. Haggman, a farmer by occupation and a resident of La Salle County, Ill. ), Joseph (died at the age of thirty-four years, and was a well educated young man ; he was a farmer and stock-raiser by occupation, and was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, being superintendent of the Sunday-school; he married Miss Bertha Peterson, a native of Illinois, who bore him one child, a son, named Brett. Joseph died on February 16, 1890), Benjamin (resides in Leland, Ill., and is a merchant; he married Miss Minnie Peterson), Mary (married a farmer by the name of Henry Nelson, and now resides in La Salle County, Ill.), Julius (died at the age of seven years). Mrs. Johnson's parents were natives of Nor way and the father was a farmer and stock-raiser in Leland, Ill. He died at the age of about forty-five, and the mother when fifty-five years of age. Mrs. Johnson was one of the following family: Sophia (married a farmer by the name of Alexander Halverson, and now resides in Leland, Ill.), Methea (died at the age of twenty-two years), Andrew (married Anna Vold, a native of Illinois, and is now a grain dealer in Leland, Ill.), John (is a farmer and resides in Illinois) and Nelsie (married A. S. Peterson, a dealer in clothing and gents' furnishing goods, and died at the age of twenty-three years). Mr. Johnson emigrated direct from La Salle County, Ill., to Story County, and in addition to the grain business he is carrying on in Cambridge, Iowa, also conducts a branch establishment in Huxley, Iowa. He is a good business man, and is doing well in his chosen occupation.

Albert Jones, dealer in farm implements, furniture and undertakers' goods, Collins, Iowa. Mr. Jones will always be found among the leaders in any enterprise that may come before the people of this community. He is a native of Illinois, born in De Kalb County, on the 4th of March, 1850, and is the son of Owen T. Jones, a native of Wales, born in 1809, and who came to this country when a young man (1835). The latter settled in New York, remaining there engaged in tilling the soil until 1839, when he moved to De Kalb County, Ill., and there purchased 500 acres of land. He was occupied extensively in buying and dealing in land. He was married to Miss Elizabeth Williams, a native of Wales, where she was reared, and the second daughter of Mr. Williams. To this marriage were born four sons, all now living, and

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