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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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and there where streams have cut through this drift are the lower coal measures revealed. Wells and other excavations also have gone through to the underlying strata. The drift varies in depth from a few feet to several hundred feet, and has no special local characteristics. It is composed of clay, sand, gravel and bowlders, promiscuously intermixed.

Northwestward of Ames about three miles, in the bed and on the bank of the Skunk River, occur exposures of impure and shaly limestone, overlaid by softer and clayey strata. The former seems to belong to the subcarboniferous age and to the epoch of the St. Louis limestone. If this be true, the base of the lower coal measures must be near the surface; this would indicate that the quantity of coal likely to be found is small. But the discovery of several large mines in the county is proof that valuable fields of coal are here, and no doubt the future will abundantly substantiate this.

Edwin H. Addison is an attorney at law, loan collector, insurance and real estate agent of Maxwell, Iowa, and was born in Rock Island County, Ill., January 1, 1859, being a son of E. J. and Catherine (Colburn) Addison, who were born in Erie County, Penn., the former May 9, 1830, and the latter September 9, 1830, her death occurring in Polk County, Iowa, May 29, 1882. The father is now a banker in Eureka, Kas. After attending the public schools, Edwin H. Addison, in 1876, entered Universalist College, at Mitchellville, where he spent three and one-half years. A part of this time was passed in reading law in the office of John Fay, and a part of the years 1879-80 he studied law under the instruction of Judge Jonah Given. From 1880 to 1887 he was engaged in farming and buying and shipping stock in Polk County, and although he is now giving his attention to his present business, he still owns his fine farm of 240 acres, five miles south of Maxwell. October 3, 1888, he was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of Iowa, at Des Moines, and soon after opened an office at Maxwell, where he has since held forth. He is now one of the successful young attorneys of the county, and gives every promise of becoming a leader in his profession. He has always supported the measures of the Republican party, and socially is a member of Lodge No. 463, of the I. O. O. F., of Maxwell. His marriage, which occurred on the 12th of February, 1880, was to Miss Mary Sherwood, a native of Ilinois, born February 12, 1861, and to their union two children have been born: Anna E. and Hazel M. Mr. Addison came to Iowa with his parents in 1870, and during a twenty years' residence in this State he has taken an active part in all worthy movements.

Dr. Charles W. Allen is a leading physician and surgeon of Story County, Iowa, and is justly proud of the name he bears, which has descended to him from a long line of illustrious and honored ancestry. The first of the family in this country, of whom he has any knowledge, was Edward Allen, who was born in Ipswich, England, and was at one time an officer of Oliver Cromwell's army, but upon the enthronement of Charles II., king of England, he fled from the wrath of His Majesty, taking refuge in the New World, and in the State of Connecticut married, and reared the following family: John, born in 1660; Edward, in 1663; Elizabeth, in 1665; Sarah, in 1667; William, in 1669; Martha, in 1671; Benjamin, in 1673; David, in 1676; Samuel, in 1679; Abigail, in 1681; Mary, in 1683 and Caleb, in 1685. Of this family, Edward, the second child, married

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