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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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present site. Rev. Father McNamara is the present pastor. The membership reaches 150.

St. Patrick's Church at Colo was built about 1880 by Father Smith, of Boone. It is a large building of 30x60 feet dimensions. The church has been in a prosperous condition from the first, and is the real Catholic center in the county. The congregation now numbers about 350 members, among whom are some of Colo's leading citizens. The pastorate has been the same as that of Nevada.

The Seventh Day Adventists have two societies in Story, one at Nevada and one at Ames.

The Nevada Church began in the tent meeting of Elders L. McCoy and R. M.Kilgore in 1875, and was organized by the latter gentleman October 15, 1876, with fifteen members. John N. Calhoun was leader and J. M. Whitney, clerk and treasurer. Meetings were held in Adventist Hall and the Baptist Church until their church was completed in January, 1888. It is a frame, costing about $1,700, opposite the park on Main Street. It was dedicated July 1, 1888. They have no regular pastor. Mary E. Cook is superintendent of the Sabbath-school, while two auxiliary societies are in successful operation.

The Ames Church has about twenty-nine members and was organized August 26, 1883, with twelve members. Peter Christofersen was leader and Carrie Fries, secretary. They have no pastor or building but meet in private houses. Elder P. L. Hoen is superintendent of the Sabbath-school.

There have been Y. M. C. A. and W. C. T. U. societies in the county, but there are none at present. A county Sunday-school Association has been in successful operation for years and now enrolls 102 schools, 700 teachers, and 4,975 pupils. The temperance question has been vigorously handled from earliest days, and no saloon exists in the county.

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